Alright im not the hottest guy at school and im not ripped but i got some decent biceps. Second Fastest runner in my school. And Ive asked out four girls in past two years and not one yes. Ive never had a girlfriend. And I just feel like girls dont like me. But i need some help to get a girlfriend plz!!! :'(I need some dating advice not for a date just to get a girlfriend :(?
You really want a girl friend, get a hobby...
Love happens when you are not looking for it. plus girls like it when you are involved... if you stay in this mind set when you do get a girl friend you will wrap your self up in the relationship so much you may lose yourself and seem pushy or obsessed. trust me i know.
with a hobby you can have something to talk about. my boyfriend plays the classical guitar so we always have something to talk about... cars is always a good one at least for girls like me... but i am from the country... so just get involved with something and find yourself... plus if you focus on the friends you have now you never know what can happen... we were friends for a long time before we started dating.
Gothic Boy's Girl.
I agree with Kelsey, love happens unexpectedly. There are two ways to go about tactics. There is the spinner bait tactic. Go after any girl you see. The second is my favorite, the bobber style. This one takes a long time but it is for the long term relationship..
1. Be a gentleman, this manner is rarely seen in society. The ladies will love the gentleman look and style. Just don't over do it. Example of somethings that you can do is open the doors for the ladies, do it at your discretion, Let the ladies walk first if the path is narrow and through the door first. If a narrow sidewalk let the lady walk on the side walk. Allways wait for her.
2. Look into their eyes when they are talking and not at their chests or at any other part of their body. PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT SHE IS SAYING. Be in the moment and not in the head.
3. Just be nice. Show interest in what she does. Make sure it is actual interest and not just fake interest. For example Kelsey likes to read vampire books. I ask her what the story is about and I have her tell me the story. I am always in a good mood for a good story or at least a summary. Plus I tell her I am to lazy to read the books but they do have a good story.
4. Make her laugh and comfortable and comfort her. Always be positive and be strong. Understand her and yourself. KNOW YOURSELF before you make any long term commitments.
5. Be Yourself and tell some jokes. Laugh
6. Set back, look at the sky, and appreciate what is around you. Notice the beauty in nature and in life.
7.Don't look desperate.
8. Don't be pushy
9. don't act to weird
10. Don't go to much out of your way.
11. Broaden your range of music it gives you something to talk about.... and you will definitely have similar tastes somewhere...
12. learn to dance., slow, fast, ballroom,m etc. You don't have to be an expert just don't step on her toes.
13. Just have fun.
14. put her and your friends above yourself. If you have good friends or she is good then they will watch your back.
15. Don't let love blind you.
16. Don't be afraid to ask questions but be wary there are some stupid questions.
Things to look for when trying to get a girlfriend.
-look for someone that makes up for your weaknesses
-has the almost the same interests
-somewhat independent
-beautiful with just the way she looks
-adaptable because people change sometimes.
-knows the different between right and wrong but don't be afraid to live a little.
- somewhat intelligent
-always putting others before herself. At least to some extent.
-and so on.
Good Luck
-Gothic Boy
P.S. Always remember that there are other fish in the sea. And bobbers can always be refitted to the circumstances. Just wait for a nibble and yank the pole. If she breaks loose cast out the bobber refitted just for her and if she breaks loose again then she is not the one or she is just not ready. The bobber method is more rewarding in the long run
Live for today yet still have plans tomorrow, and die without regrets.I need some dating advice not for a date just to get a girlfriend :(?
1. Placing to much emphasis on others. You've described yourself as ';not the hottest guy'; and ';second fastest runner';, but not who you are. This tells me you're not really sure who you are or how others percieve you. If you can't figure that out, you can't figure out who would even like you or would want to like you.
2. You've never had a gf, but you try a lot. But you also generalize and say ';girls don't like me';. No, specific people don't like you. It seems you need to spend more time really getting to know people and know yourself, and this way, it will be more natural who you are attracted to and who is attracted to you. When you find that person, and they find you, it'll feel natural, and it'll just happen.
If you don't spend time to learn about what you want, you can never get it.
Problem number one:
thinking girls care that much about being ripped. they don't.
Problem number two: Being so desperate for a girlfriend. Things will come when you least expect it - when you go looking, you'll find nothing.
And though i know nothing about you, i know alot of guys who have had similar stories and it's usually because they are (no offense) asking out girls that are WAY out of their league. So try looking at yourself and looking at the girls you're asking out - and do some serious consideration.
You need to provide a bit more information. How old are you? How old are the girls you are asking? etc
Just because a girl says no, doesn't mean you aren't attractive. It means they more than likely aren't your type.
Also, people date for more than just looks. How's your personality? Find someone that may be compatible with your personality.
If you aren't past 9th grade, you have nothing to worry about. You'll have plenty of time to meet a nice girl
well stay confident, that's always the first thing we look at. we girls don't' want to have to be the ones to baby you to build up your self esteem. and make sure you are always yourself around girls, even if its something your not comfortable with, stay true to what you believe, we pick up on these things.
if you have a girl in mind find out her interest. be interested in them as well and don't jump in too quickly, that just makes you seem desperate. And yes we might think that your biceps look nice but that's not what our main goal is, so don't try and use those as your thing to get the girls, noooot gonna work.
(and congrats on being the second fastest runner!)
when in conversations with a girl try to be more interested in her and what she has to say rather than yourself,unless of course she asks you a question about yourself, then of course answer to the best you can.
hmm..idk this would be easier if there was a specific girl to deal with..but good luck!
We don't care about biceps or running. What we do care about is friendliness, hygiene, personality, etc. You have to flirt with the girls, talk with them and be friendly for them to take you into consideration. Don't just go up to someone and ask them on a date. They have to notice you, think your cute or nice and/or have talked/flirted with you for a while. Good luck
try looking at how each person acts dont, go for snobs or sluts, and always make sure that you breath doesn't smell amongst other things. just try to do the hit and run tactic walk up ask to go to food stuffs place (panera's is always good) then just leave, also some advice you should take to heart is to ALWAYS tell them you are going to pay. if you dont you will get shot down in cold blood regardless of whom it is. also panera's averages around 16 bucks for 2 people(you must order or else you will look cheap and she will look fat). so prepare to blow up your bank. also i suggested the ones with the right attitudes not only for your emotional safety but also that most other girls like walks in the park(FREE).
whew that was a long one
you sound a ittle bittle stuck up. if asked the 'populars' then they of course would have turned you down since your not the hottest guy in the school, even if you have hot biceps and are a good runner or whatever, but if you asked a normal girl, who you really liked and they liked you they would have said yes. just keep trying matey! and deflate your head a bit if you get what im saying.
Advice i always give is to be a man and take control... dont give up and if there is a girl you really want... just keep pushing, not freaky stalker, just flirty pushing... and like the other girl said, 4 girls in 2 years is not much... try and meet girls outside of school, experience has taught me that school relationships are not usually the best... anywhere you can meet girls... coffee shop, train station, myspace, facebook anywhere!
buddy you're barking up the dead wrong trees!
A girl that you have a relationship with is extremely hard to come by. It's a crazy game of chance. What you need to do, is just live your life and wait for the best opportunity. Trust me, love has a weird way of finding people when they least expect it!
Well i think you should be friends with some girls. Like don't you see other guys and girls all hanging out in a group? well try doing that? Maybe even put your self out there, but don't be to much of a jerk. Aw not the best advise but i hope this helps.
obviously your not the hottest guy at school
TURN THE FLIRT ON! and ask out more girls...
and i realize you must be in the class of 2010. Here on my island we call that class 2KX! You know das deh baddest class b! 2KX YUH LARGE!
just keep swimming, just keep swimming!
don't give up! only 4 girls in 2 years? i've been around some hott guys who ask someone out every weekend! grow some balls! keep asking!
build up your confidence..make it a goal to ask a girl out at least once a week and see how it goes from there..keep up the shape too..chics are crazy about packs!!
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