Wednesday, April 28, 2010

We didn't kiss on first date...advice please?

We've been chatting and flirting for weeks and have just had our first date..on the way home ie showed me his place, I was a bit nervous (thought he was bringing me there to have sex and I said 'I'm scared'). Anyhow he walked me home and we kissed on both cheeks. Do you think I'll hear from him? We had a very nice on well.We didn't kiss on first date...advice please?
who wants to kiss on first date?

Take it slow sweetheart, kissing on both cheeks is an affectionate sign, and it'll happen. The first date should be a ';get to know you'; not a ';lets make out';.We didn't kiss on first date...advice please?
if you didn't have sex the first night then he'll probably call. guys won't usually call if you have sex on the first date. you're golden! and taken it slow :]
You know what, dearheart.. any guy who brings you back to his place for sex on the first date REALLY isn't worth seeing again. I know that sounds harsh, but hey been there. There are PLENTY of guys out there who respect a girl and will wait until the proper time, like when you KNOW each other first.. what a concept, right?

You rock for sticking up for yourself. Keep up the good work and have confidence in yourself.

best of luck.
If all he wanted was sex, you probably won't hear from him again.

If he likes you (but obviously still wants to have sex whether he really likes you or not) you'll hear from him.

If he's persistent he might still try to sleep with you.

There's no way to know the whole truth, so let it go and go about your life. Don't expect a call from him. So if he does, it will be a surprise, and if he doesn't, you wont' be crushed. Boys aren't what life is about. Forget about him until he wants to be in your life again.
i think youl deffinatly see eachother again!

if he didnt kiss you on the 1st date he respects you!

2nd date go in for a kiss!

good luck babe! xx

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