Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Last minute date advice?

im 13 and im goin to the movies wit my girlfriend were seeing prom night does anyone hae some last minute date advice. the movie starts at 7:50 so i hav some time can anyone give me good advice thanx.Last minute date advice?
How funny I just saw that last night with my friends. Well- just be your self. You guys have a connection so keep doing whatever your doing and if she gets scared don't be afraid to put your arm around her. I found the movie more scary then funny but there where people that got really scared. So really the only thing you can do is be yourself. But one thing: you should pay- or at least offer.Last minute date advice?
First You should pay! And keep your hands to yourself..ofcourse. Girls like it when your a gentleman and respect them. Tell her you think she looks really pretty. And hold her hand! And the night should go well for you ;0) You might even get a little kiss at the end of the night!

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