Friday, April 30, 2010

First date advice...?

I posted this last night but not much response....

So... first date... Where should we go?? and what should we do after? movies? or should I just ask her what she feels like doing?

secondly... I dont think she has a car at home. shes in town from school. Now here's the thing.... I'd more than likely be picking her up at her house, so I'd go to the door, probably meet her parents. Is this weird on a first date? Isn't meeting parents more reserved for when things get serious?First date advice...?
well just prepare yourself to meet the parents. But i wouldn't go for movies jus because you don't really get to know that person. I would say dinner, then a coffee (starbucks) location and chat. Usually it's a nice relaxing nothing dramatic date.First date advice...?
Take her som casual this is ur first meeting it shudnt be too noisy or too quiet around...i think movies is the best idea and most common one as well.. u can find wht she likes mostly n can go or tht after movies..e.g. games like bowling or so...

meeting parents is obviously a serious thing...but it depends on ur gut feelings...sometimes its nice to pick up someone from her door and just say hi to thier parents..u dont neeed to sit and chit chat...just knock on the door and ask for her..simple...when she is fast as u can...i know ur heart wud b pounding tht luck..
Tough one man, meeting the parents isn't necessarily a bad thing and it is not always reserved for getting serious (but if you do start to get serious with her it'll make it less awkward because you've already met the parents anyway) I doubt you'd be talking to them that long anyway and it would show you've got good intentions...

A movie is always good but you gotta do something with it like grab a coffee before or afterwards so you can actually talk...or you could go for a walk or go to a bar or something...
no, it makes you look serious about seeing her. not like your just in it for her pants. so have fun with it.

and date advice, maybe go for a little walk in the park, then a nice restaurant, then maybe to a funny movie, but nothing piggish for guys. something fun

do something funn...different that you both will enjoy like..rollersakting or bowling or even going somewhere to hoops up. after go to like dinner at a pizza place somewhere casual....

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