Wednesday, April 28, 2010


ok so i had a date with a girl i really like and we she agreed to go on a second date with me. we went mini golfing, and had a great time. now we are going to the movies and i really wanna make it a even better date than before. i need to show her i can be boyfriend material. any advice?? any at all will help.SECOND DATE ADVICE!!! PLEASE HELP!!!?
buy her whatever she wants at the candybar. open doors, walk up to her door and walk her to the car. just be really sweet, look nice, and just be yourself:)

please answer mine i will really appreciate it!!鈥?/a>SECOND DATE ADVICE!!! PLEASE HELP!!!?
you don't need to be spontaneous every time, but I think on date three you can hold her hand, get a little more touchy feely (not grabby!!) just to let her know you dig her. Movie dates are good because you can kiss and hold each other's hands, so it's a bit more intimate.
get her a drink and some popcorn if she wants anything play games with her in the arcade get there early so you can get the perfect seats don't get to touchy on ur second date and if u feel comfortable give her a kiss on the cheek before she leaves.

hope i helped!!

and good luck!!!!!!!!

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