Friday, April 30, 2010

I need some First Date Advice.?

I do not date too often, nor am I experienced. I am 21 years old and I am going out with a girl that I have like since high school. I was wondering what I should do on the first date. Where I should go for dinner, what I should take her to after? (Lucky Strike?). Just need some help on basic advice and ideas.

ThanksI need some First Date Advice.?
Definitely go out to dinner and see a movie.

Try to relax and maybe even get ice cream after.I need some First Date Advice.?
Well, first you must have some manners to your girlfriend. Also tell her about your life like your most success full experience and some hard times. Make her laugh, tell some good jokes that are not so corny. Always focus on her, ask her if shes alright or how shes doing?. This depends what kind a girl she is if she either wants to go to fancy, modern or average restaurants. Or Chinese, viet, thai restaurants. You must ask her and if she likes Chinese food google in the most delicious Chinese restaurant in your city! Have fun! Take her home right after dinner! You don't want her parents to worry!
step 1. buy her dinner

step 2. movie (oh ya dinner and movie im so cliche)

step 3. initiate drinking

step 4. stick it in her :D

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