Wednesday, April 28, 2010

First date advice HELP?

what do you talk about,

and how do you avoid getting embarrased?

if the guy wants to pay do you just let him pay? because i personally feel uncomfortable about him paying for meFirst date advice HELP?
just talk about things you guys have in common. tv, movies, music, school (fav/worst teachers)

%26amp; I don't think you can avoid embarrasment. it's bound to happen, or at least an awkward moment lol

%26amp; I would let the guy pay, no matter what.First date advice HELP?
Well about him paying for the bill: When he takes money out,say I got it. My guess is he will say no,and he will still pay. But hey,atleast you know that you tried. If he pays,say something like ';It will be my treat next time.'; Anyways talk about eachother. Ask him what he likes to do,what his hobbies are,how he spends his time. Ask about his friends and family. Tell him a little bit about yourself in return. Try not to let there be any silent moments. If it gets quiet, say something like, ';I'm hungry,I can't wait to get the food'; or ';Wow,that looks good,how is it?'; Goodluck!
As him how is he doing, and go with the flow from there...He will say good and you? and you will say Good ( or what ever your answer is.) Then wait and he will bring up a topic. then go with the flow. Also when he goes to pay you say Awh thannx for paying when you leave the dinner say i really liked this, maybe we could do it again... but if you didn't scratch that. lol Good luck. Vote me best answer. :) Hope you have an AWSOME date.
First Dates !! ah sweet memories, but they are memories that never leave us all the same. No matter what age we females are a bunch of romantic idiots, we treasure these silly things.

So here's my advice and I hope it helps. In this day and age it is acceptable for the girl to go half's (going dutch is the term we used in my day), but I am old enough to remember when a guy took you out, then he paid for the whole lot.

I am still old enough now to know that this is an uncomfortable thing - it would make a girl feel she was indebted to him, and for the wrong reasons, he may want his just rewards at the end of the date, pay back time so to speak in sexually favors - don't fall into that trap. Be the modern girl that you are, be safe and stay independent.

First of all it depends where he takes you for a start, it might be to the movies, or just for a drink, be that a bar or a coffee. Or you may just go for a walk. The first one is the difficult one really - the movies. the other situations are easier to handle. But take the movies for example.

If he does not mention anything about the cost of the tickets, then let him pay for the both of you to get in. But you go off to the Kiosk and get popcorn or something like that and drinks and make sure you pay. Your instantly equal then. Again depends how he behaves himself once the lights are down low, if he behaves respectfully then ask does he fancy going for a coffee. And again you attempt to pay again, at this stage if he is a decent guy, he will say ' No that's alright, my treat'. So give in to him then and accept it.

If its any of the other places I mentioned, like just walking around chatting, or just going for a coffee, then let him buy the first cup or rounds if its in a bar. Try to keep that equal though out your time spent together on that first date.

So now we need to deal with what to talk about - don't have to be difficult, one of the best things to do is when we don't know what to say to a person, is to ask them about themselves first. What school, what job, what sports he likes, what's his ambitions - all those sorts of things will lead off naturally into a continued conversation. Find something through this sort of talking that you both like, and hit out on that subject.

If he continues happily to talk about himself all the time and does not show interest in anything you might like, then don't go out with the selfish sod again - he's too full of himself.

If he takes liberties with you and your uncomfortable about that, just shove his hand off and say a clear ' Don't do that', if he is a nice guy he will apologize. If not, then again don't go out with him again. Sometimes guy's try it on just to see the reaction of the girl, its a sort of test, so don't have him down as a rogue straight away, give him a chance. Your instincts anyway will tell you if he's going to be out for just one thing. So rely on your own inner thoughts and instincts always.

I say on first dates, always make sure your in a public place where other people are around you, don't go walking off dark lonely streets or the park when its dark.

If you feel pressured or uncomfortable at any time, then stick up for yourself, say don't do that in a loud and clear voice, not scream, but this will alert others who around you that may need to come to the rescue you see.

So just make sure your happy and comfortable in his presence, ask him about the things he likes, listening to him will relax you anyway, so your off to a good start.

Hope these hints will help you, and remember no matter how shy you may feel in the first 20 minutes, as time goes by you'll not be shy at all by the end of that first evening.
talk about the general things (not math and science) things like music,art, movies and sports...avoid wearing vert revaling clothing cuz doing that u might send out all the wrong signals. and if the guy is the one you invited ethically he should pay but always walk around with some extra cash in case the unpredictable happens
If he didn't care about you he wouldn't pay, he's a keeper. if the conversation gets dull talk about your favorite wrestler, don't BS me, you have one you think is hot. chances are he knows more about the subject that you would. WWE is a great bonder.
talk about her interest

avoid being embarssed by laughing..

yes let him pay...
If a guy wants to pay, let him pay. It's considered polite.
Good luck sweetie! :)
hi just ask loads of questions lol and let him apy offer 2 paY THOUGH LOL u snd like a nice girl ,xx
yes! and dont forget to say thank you.

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