Friday, April 30, 2010


i juzst got out of a long term relationship %26amp; i knoe i AM ready to start dating. so i have a date tomrrow %26amp; i need some tips haha how to be more flirty?

what to wear?

how do i knoe if he likes me?

help meeee![:1ST DATE ADViCE [:?
girl, a good question.

i would say be yourself

some nice heels sexy outfit, but not slu**y

confidance confidance

and a smile

thats all you need to be a sucess

good luck enjoy yourself

and where you going??1ST DATE ADViCE [:?
wearing something comfy but casual... ask him about himself and his plans for the future... i dont think there is any way to know if he likes you right off the bat just take things as they come

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