Friday, January 8, 2010

A male friend of mine is going on his first date in 20 years (getting divorced) and needs advice?

He REALLY doesn't want my advice. What advice would you give him?

I'm asking for a friend. Though I already implied that. Thanks.A male friend of mine is going on his first date in 20 years (getting divorced) and needs advice?
PCB's rules of dating:

1) Treat her like a queen, open doors, pick up the tabs and pretend you are actually listening to her.

2) DO NOT do her on the first date, that way she will think you are sweet and respect her...that and she will assume you are std free.

3) On the 2nd date she will be falling for you, so when you get her back to her place she will pull out all of her sex moves she learned in China for you.

4) After she passes out steal her wallet and climb out the windowA male friend of mine is going on his first date in 20 years (getting divorced) and needs advice?
Tell your buddy that he should talk about his ex the entire date. The chicks love it when you talk about your ex.

Also... to ensure a second date... tell him when the bill comes for him to push it over to her and smoothly exclaim, ';I got next!';

Screw what they say about false pretences... he needs to put up all the false pretences he can to get the second date and close the deal.

He needs to approach it like it's a real estate deal and take the Glengarry Glen Ross-esque approach: ABC!

A Always

B Be

C Closing!

Always be closing!
Tell ';your friend'; to be cool and just be himself. Don't try too hard, girls can see through that right away. Don't be a show off either like spending big bucks on the date, just keep it casual......and easy on those huge burgers...might not make a good impression on the first date. And most importantly do not go on and on about the soon to be ex-wife and the divorce...we hate that.

Have fun on your date!! Ooops I mean, tell your friend to have fun on HIS date.
Don't offer to pay, that type of behavior went out about 10 years ago. Tell him that women now get offended by men paying for them. Also now sex is expected on a first date. If she didn't want to have sex with him she wouldn't have agreed to go out with him.
A date is nothing like a marriage.

For one, the conversation will actually go somewhere and the person you're with won't get a headache and sleep with their back to you all night.
tell him to just be himself. don't pretend to be someone or something he's not. and be polite and courteous.
It's all about the manscaping. Trim the bushes.
well, tell ';your friend'; that if he should just relax and keep his cool. Keep the conversation light on the first date. Avoid mentioning the past relationship too much
Congrats!! on the date, you may wanna wear a condom but polk a hole in the end if you want a babby
Pay for dinner

don't talk about ur ex

don't act like your rich if your a poor person

be confident

don't lie

don't tell stupid azz jokes

smell good

open doors etc

be charming and sweet no *********.

Not single..glad I'm taken.
I always rub one out first, nobody should be carrying around a loaded gun. Oh and dont forget to wash your balls
He needs to get back in the saddle again and to just be himself.
just relax and be yourself, and enjoy the date.
my advice - think of it as just a date, it's so hard to get out of the long term relationship mode..
Trim the nose hairs....
he should wear short-shorts and sing Jonas Brothers Songs.
no means no.
don't talk about your divorce/ex wife!
show it to her right off the bat...let her know what she's in for.
yeah sure a friend what ever

be himself and don't up any false pretences is all I can say

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