So my girlfriend is short on money and doesnt want to spend any or as little as possible when we go out. I can spend but i prefer to do something that doesnt involve money for a change. The only thing i can think of is going to the park n just havin a picknick or something but we have already done that and i need some new and clever ideas. So please let me know what u got, im sure theres a bunch of good ideas out there!!Date Advice!! Urgent!!?
oh jeez, why is she even paying???? of course shes short on cash if u keep splitting the bill! be a man and pay if u got the money! Im assuming u 2 are adults and have the means??? no?? well for inexpensive date ideas u can always go for a walk or chill at ur house and dl or watch some creativeDate Advice!! Urgent!!?
my girls the opposite, she hates me spending money and always wants to buy her own, i never let her :D ok well i sometimes go to her house and we watch movies or something like that, its easy for me cuz i skate and she likes to watch and mess around and ';try to skate'; so we can have a good time at the local skate park for hours, which is free. you kno i was just going to say take her to the mall but...BAD IDEA so scratch taht. idk im out sorry bro
well i live in new york so the best dates, are just going into the city and walking around and looking at all the cool stuff. you dont need to spend a penny but just being there or sitting in the park or anything is so fun. invite her over and watch a movie... thats free....
Dinner and a movie at home ? Girls always like a guy that's willing to cook for her, and Im sure you have food in your fridge.
why dont u just drop going on a date just once.when u'll collect enough money,then go at that tym.or if u really want to go justjust watch a movie at home,call her ur house and play some outdoor games,or indoors.....anything u prefer!hope i helped
well i think for thrift and safe date better at home, have some watch good movies, you can do talk just like when outside.
movie at home with you and your significant someone...
long walk around a nice neighborhood? just a sugestion.
Can you play a sport? If so, then teach her.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Date advice...... get a guy to talkto you?
how do you get a guy to talk to you. is it looks or personality. answer honestly. ohhh, and this is for a 13-15 year old.Date advice...... get a guy to talkto you?
Its abit of both i would say.
ike it is nice too look gud, but its also nice to hav a gud personality.
U should just go up and speak 2 him :-) I'm 16 and i do that most of the time lol. Just be confident, but don't be big headed and show interest in him and look as though u are listening (even if u r not lol). Just be yourself and im sure he will love it :-) xDate advice...... get a guy to talkto you?
It all depends on the guy for some it is looks and for others it is personality. I would go more for the guy that likes the personality cause you know he likes you for you not just what your outward apparence.
i would say....try to look good and yes your personality is a BIG part! But if you want to talk to him just do it! dont wait untill he talks to you cuz that might never happen so you have to go after what you want!
oh dear im too old then, my experiance just smile and be your self if he likes you he will talk to you eventually
Well, both. As much as we don't like to say it, looks do contribute to the amount of attention someone gets. If he focuses to much on looks, though, get rid of him. You don't want a shallow guy.
its pretty hard to answer that question ...because every guy is different but my best bet is looks and good balance of personality
looks definatly helps - but guys like it when you jsut talk to them - you can say anything they dont care
Its my looks and personality,I'm usually quiet but guys just start talking to me and I talk to them
Try talking to him first. Don't be shy, it's just another teen, just like you!
just smile and be yourslef. you will be fine. good luck to you.
both. :]
Its abit of both i would say.
ike it is nice too look gud, but its also nice to hav a gud personality.
U should just go up and speak 2 him :-) I'm 16 and i do that most of the time lol. Just be confident, but don't be big headed and show interest in him and look as though u are listening (even if u r not lol). Just be yourself and im sure he will love it :-) xDate advice...... get a guy to talkto you?
It all depends on the guy for some it is looks and for others it is personality. I would go more for the guy that likes the personality cause you know he likes you for you not just what your outward apparence.
i would say....try to look good and yes your personality is a BIG part! But if you want to talk to him just do it! dont wait untill he talks to you cuz that might never happen so you have to go after what you want!
oh dear im too old then, my experiance just smile and be your self if he likes you he will talk to you eventually
Well, both. As much as we don't like to say it, looks do contribute to the amount of attention someone gets. If he focuses to much on looks, though, get rid of him. You don't want a shallow guy.
its pretty hard to answer that question ...because every guy is different but my best bet is looks and good balance of personality
looks definatly helps - but guys like it when you jsut talk to them - you can say anything they dont care
Its my looks and personality,I'm usually quiet but guys just start talking to me and I talk to them
Try talking to him first. Don't be shy, it's just another teen, just like you!
just smile and be yourslef. you will be fine. good luck to you.
both. :]
Date advice. Please help!?
Tomorrow im going to hang out with this guy from high school. First we're both going skating but when he asks me what I want to do after what can I say instead of 'Dont know'. I hate being forward lol help?Date advice. Please help!?
can he drive? go out to get something to eat, or just walk around or something.
go back to his house or something.Date advice. Please help!?
Mention that you are hungry, guys hate it when they ask and we say we don't know. and if he ask where would you like to go then just mention a place, like dairy queen
Hey tell him the truth if you like him say something like go to the movie but if your just friends then tell him.
mmm food...
You're smart to think ahead.
It's probably safe to say you will both be hungry/thirsty afterward.
Suggest going for a soda. If he offers to buy a burger fine, just be considerate of his budget. (I would never anything more expensive than my date and usually was prepared to go dutch if needed.)
What is in your area that allows for conversation but slight distraction if you need conversation starters. Park? Friends?
Ask him first lol
Do you hve something in common? like an intrest? a sport, movie, food? If you both like a certain movie or want to see this movie ask if you want to see the movie! If you both like chickens wings (werid example) you could ask want to grab some chicken wings!
You can always say that you are kinda hungry and would like to get something to eat.
Good luck and have fun!
If he asked so, then it's time to leaveisotretinoin
can he drive? go out to get something to eat, or just walk around or something.
go back to his house or something.Date advice. Please help!?
Mention that you are hungry, guys hate it when they ask and we say we don't know. and if he ask where would you like to go then just mention a place, like dairy queen
Hey tell him the truth if you like him say something like go to the movie but if your just friends then tell him.
mmm food...
You're smart to think ahead.
It's probably safe to say you will both be hungry/thirsty afterward.
Suggest going for a soda. If he offers to buy a burger fine, just be considerate of his budget. (I would never anything more expensive than my date and usually was prepared to go dutch if needed.)
What is in your area that allows for conversation but slight distraction if you need conversation starters. Park? Friends?
Ask him first lol
Do you hve something in common? like an intrest? a sport, movie, food? If you both like a certain movie or want to see this movie ask if you want to see the movie! If you both like chickens wings (werid example) you could ask want to grab some chicken wings!
You can always say that you are kinda hungry and would like to get something to eat.
Good luck and have fun!
If he asked so, then it's time to leave
Is it okay to give dating advice to a girl that's older then you and likes your best friend?
I know a girl that's older then me and likes my best friend is it okay to give dating advice?Is it okay to give dating advice to a girl that's older then you and likes your best friend?
Depends on the age and the advice. If you're telling her things about your best friend that will help her start a convo with him(?) then that makes sense. the example of one of the people above if a 13 year old had a lot of boyfriends she would definitely not be a person I was taking relationship advice from.Is it okay to give dating advice to a girl that's older then you and likes your best friend?
Yah. Age doesn't matter. I know a 13 year old that has had more boyfriends then i have. (needless to say, i am older then that. Just FYI). If you are okay with her liking your best friend, then its all good.
yeahhhh,of course
and you would know your best friend the best,so your helping her out heaps
Depends on the age and the advice. If you're telling her things about your best friend that will help her start a convo with him(?) then that makes sense. the example of one of the people above if a 13 year old had a lot of boyfriends she would definitely not be a person I was taking relationship advice from.Is it okay to give dating advice to a girl that's older then you and likes your best friend?
Yah. Age doesn't matter. I know a 13 year old that has had more boyfriends then i have. (needless to say, i am older then that. Just FYI). If you are okay with her liking your best friend, then its all good.
yeahhhh,of course
and you would know your best friend the best,so your helping her out heaps
Guys, Girls, please help! first movie date advice?
So this friday Im going on a date to a movie with this boy. So I really need some advice from girls on like what to wear, talk about and all that stuff. and some advice from guys on what not to do. Things that get on your nerves when on a date. Im 14 years old. also, is it bad to hold hands or make out on the first date? even if we're both ready? So please give me some detailed advice. Please!Guys, Girls, please help! first movie date advice?
ok, i'm 16 so i totally know what you're feeling! let's see...when i was 14 i was dating kevin...ok! so as for what you should wear: jeans are always the best thing, never wear a mini skirt! (trust me, boys hands tend to slip up!) also wear a cute low-cut (but not plunging) cami and a white skimpy overshirt. you want to look hot, but not slutty
what should you talk about? is always good, school, your families. never gossip - guys don't care about that stuff
as for what not to do - don't act fake and don't wear a lot of make-up. cuz if you end up kissing its really disgusting when the guy ends up with blush and foundation and stuff on his face!!!
things that get on my nerves: when they guy attempts to make out with you with his mouth completlely open (ew! i thought he was going to like bite me!) also, when the guy gets too close to fast, and boob jokes (not funny, don't laugh cus that'll only encourage his pervertedness)
holding hands is fine, but don't make out on the first date! that's the best advice i can give you!!! you don't want to seem too forward. i've learned over the past couple years to make them wait until the 2nd date. but, a uick peck on the cheek is fine
that's pretty much it, but...if you do choose to go against my advice and end up making out i can almost guarntee you'll get a hickey. and they hurt like heck!!! if ya get one put a bunch of spoons in the freezer and then put them in the hickey. it helps the bruise go away faster
good luck babe! and have fun with ur guy ;)Guys, Girls, please help! first movie date advice?
Ok, I'd wear something comfortable, but not like pajamas (no sweats, weird fuzzy sweater, ect.). Maybe some jeans and a nice shirt? I wore blue jeans and a white Volcom Stone top (sk8r). Wat sort of style r u guys?
Whatever you do, don't show too much. Leave some imagination. Don't show all of your goods. That way he won't start thinking he's dating someone who's wild and easy. And it's not a very good thing to start making out like wild horny rabbits on a first date. Be classy and reserved, yet fun and interesting. Find out what he likes and dislikes. Tell him a little about yourself, but not your whole life story. Don't kiss him yet, it's just the first date. Good luck, have fun and be a lady!
ok, i'm 16 so i totally know what you're feeling! let's see...when i was 14 i was dating kevin...ok! so as for what you should wear: jeans are always the best thing, never wear a mini skirt! (trust me, boys hands tend to slip up!) also wear a cute low-cut (but not plunging) cami and a white skimpy overshirt. you want to look hot, but not slutty
what should you talk about? is always good, school, your families. never gossip - guys don't care about that stuff
as for what not to do - don't act fake and don't wear a lot of make-up. cuz if you end up kissing its really disgusting when the guy ends up with blush and foundation and stuff on his face!!!
things that get on my nerves: when they guy attempts to make out with you with his mouth completlely open (ew! i thought he was going to like bite me!) also, when the guy gets too close to fast, and boob jokes (not funny, don't laugh cus that'll only encourage his pervertedness)
holding hands is fine, but don't make out on the first date! that's the best advice i can give you!!! you don't want to seem too forward. i've learned over the past couple years to make them wait until the 2nd date. but, a uick peck on the cheek is fine
that's pretty much it, but...if you do choose to go against my advice and end up making out i can almost guarntee you'll get a hickey. and they hurt like heck!!! if ya get one put a bunch of spoons in the freezer and then put them in the hickey. it helps the bruise go away faster
good luck babe! and have fun with ur guy ;)Guys, Girls, please help! first movie date advice?
Ok, I'd wear something comfortable, but not like pajamas (no sweats, weird fuzzy sweater, ect.). Maybe some jeans and a nice shirt? I wore blue jeans and a white Volcom Stone top (sk8r). Wat sort of style r u guys?
Whatever you do, don't show too much. Leave some imagination. Don't show all of your goods. That way he won't start thinking he's dating someone who's wild and easy. And it's not a very good thing to start making out like wild horny rabbits on a first date. Be classy and reserved, yet fun and interesting. Find out what he likes and dislikes. Tell him a little about yourself, but not your whole life story. Don't kiss him yet, it's just the first date. Good luck, have fun and be a lady!
Homecoming/First date advice and tips.?
Alright, I am not asking for any help about asking a girl to homecoming or anything, but the actual date itself...My dad isn't very helpful (he had used to have to keep dates a secret and I think it will have to be the same for me) about openly giving tips and my mother doesn't really know anything or just isn't telling me. Just give me general ideas about a first date/freshman homcoming, thanks in advanceHomecoming/First date advice and tips.?
wait for a slow song before you slip a grip. cook her dinner before the dance if you want to get laid.Homecoming/First date advice and tips.?
i'm in the same situation...only i'm a girl.
i have noooo clue what to do.
i guess just try to be yourself.
do try to be too impressive...
ugh... haha idk. help mee too!
wait for a slow song before you slip a grip. cook her dinner before the dance if you want to get laid.Homecoming/First date advice and tips.?
i'm in the same situation...only i'm a girl.
i have noooo clue what to do.
i guess just try to be yourself.
do try to be too impressive...
ugh... haha idk. help mee too!
Need some date advice?
well ladies and gentleman. i went out on a date which i have not done for a while. i have known this person casually for a long time. i have finished licking my wounds from my previous relationship and am out and about again. the date went well. any ideas for a second?Need some date advice?
Anything that ends with the potential for a nice long walk someplace private, in case the mood to smooch hits you :)Need some date advice?
Be urself.
Anything that ends with the potential for a nice long walk someplace private, in case the mood to smooch hits you :)Need some date advice?
Be urself.
Getting a Date... Advice!?!?!?!?
So ive been friends with this girl that i like but shes a little bit taller than me but i want to ask her out would that be weird...?
But i just met this awesome girl and shes in 2 of my classes, and shes really cool... but ive never talked to her before...
should i just ask the first girl out or wait and see what happens with the other girl.. Also how can i talk to the new girl?
we are sophmores in HS.
ADVICE?Getting a Date... Advice!?!?!?!?
Just ask her out. Easier said than done, which is why you should watch these videos to help you refine your skills before actually asking her out.
But i just met this awesome girl and shes in 2 of my classes, and shes really cool... but ive never talked to her before...
should i just ask the first girl out or wait and see what happens with the other girl.. Also how can i talk to the new girl?
we are sophmores in HS.
ADVICE?Getting a Date... Advice!?!?!?!?
Just ask her out. Easier said than done, which is why you should watch these videos to help you refine your skills before actually asking her out.
Need ';postponed date'; advice from men (women welcome too)?
Last weekend, I got up the nerve to ask my crush out to lunch. He said that he'd like to, but was ';swamped with work'; and said maybe this coming weekend instead.
Neither of us has mentioned this all week, and now I'm wondering, should I say something? Part of the problem is that I'm not sure if he's interested, and so I'm inclined to wait and see if he remembers (which would indicate to me that I'm on his mind). I don't want to seem desperate. What should I do???Need ';postponed date'; advice from men (women welcome too)?
IF he doesn't bring it up again, don't say anything. Just be polite and go on about your business. Let him make the next move. If he does not, then he is not intereted.isotretinoin
Neither of us has mentioned this all week, and now I'm wondering, should I say something? Part of the problem is that I'm not sure if he's interested, and so I'm inclined to wait and see if he remembers (which would indicate to me that I'm on his mind). I don't want to seem desperate. What should I do???Need ';postponed date'; advice from men (women welcome too)?
IF he doesn't bring it up again, don't say anything. Just be polite and go on about your business. Let him make the next move. If he does not, then he is not intereted.
Help! first date advice?
where can i go on a first date thats not too expensive
and not the movies/cinema ppl!
p.s.i live in chicago so its snowing so i cant go to the park/walk outside etcHelp! first date advice?
You got a lot of free museum there in Chicago
and not the movies/cinema ppl!
p.s.i live in chicago so its snowing so i cant go to the park/walk outside etcHelp! first date advice?
You got a lot of free museum there in Chicago
ok, so i've on a couple dates before but that was when i was already going out with the person. but now im goin on a date with this girl (we arent bf and gf). and im kinda nervous cuz she means a lot to me. we are going mini golfing. any tips for this date?????FIRST DATE ADVICE!!! PLEASE HELP!!?
Just relax as much as possible. Be yourself (well a nice, well presented version of your self at your very best). Try and set the right atmosphere by being happy and interesting. Just have a great time and dont worry too much - she agreed to go on a date with you so your half way there already - she must like what she has seen/knows of you. Good luck buddy.
Just relax as much as possible. Be yourself (well a nice, well presented version of your self at your very best). Try and set the right atmosphere by being happy and interesting. Just have a great time and dont worry too much - she agreed to go on a date with you so your half way there already - she must like what she has seen/knows of you. Good luck buddy.
EVERYONE: This Is My FIRST MOVIE DATE And I Need Advice On What To Do! Thank You So Much Everyone!
Alright so this girl I like and me are going to a movie, just me and her. It's not officially a date, but I want to make it more like a date.
So anyways, I've never been on a movie date before. I just need advice on everything. For example, do I leave my hand on the armrest so that she can hold it if she wants or something? If we hold hands is my hand supposed to me in front or in back of her hand? Do we interlock fingers? PLEASE just give me ALL the tips you can, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks so much everyone!EVERYONE: This Is My FIRST MOVIE DATE And I Need Advice On What To Do! Thank You So Much Everyone!
The trick to making it seem like a date is buying her ticket. It's the universal sign for ';I like you'; as far as movie dates are concerned. If she wants to hold your hand, you'll know, because she'll put it someplace easy for you to just pick up- like the armrest. Make the move to hold hers, don't wait for her to hold yours. Just be natural, casual, and comfortable. She's probably just as nervous. Tip though, interlocked fingers start to hurt if you keep them like that the entire movies.EVERYONE: This Is My FIRST MOVIE DATE And I Need Advice On What To Do! Thank You So Much Everyone!
You should definitely put some nonchalant moves on her, but nothing drastic, if you hold hands don't interlock fingers. And with your hand in the front or back, just do what feels comfortable to you, or as you approach her hand, see how it is positioned and do the opposite. Leave you arm on the armrest so she contributes to the relationship too! No hand around her shoulder yet, wait for a few more dates before that.
Don't interrupt her a lot during the movie. If you need to, pretend you are tired and stretch and put your arm around her. It always works! Make sure you get a lot of candy and popcorn! If you really like her, go to the back row (not the very last) but go somewhere in the back and make out if you are watching a romance movie. If it's a horror movie sit in the front.
be casual
talk to her exchange questions and get to know each other
buy her ticket, ask her if she wants a snack
pick the seats and dont stand on the stairs trying to pick out one just go for it
dont worry about the armrest but leave a little room for hers if she want to put her arm there
she might want to get closer to you like rest her head on your shoulder
so be prepared and smell good
you should do fine its just a movie
and make it fun
When the theater gets dark, if her hand is on the arm rest pretend you don't know and put yours over hers and giggle a little. and if you have pop corn while she is reaching in you go to and search for her hand. and then hold it then she will know you like her.
does that help?
lol if your a mess like this it wont help matters during the movie if you know she likes you be sweet and calm down yes put your arm on the armrest and interlock fingers im a bit prude so i deff wouldnt finger wtf!!!
Put 'the move' on her and do the old Yawn-and-drop-my-arm-around-you trick. Girls like it hehe.
If you have not been hanging out with her for very long, if you put your arm around her shoulder she can sometimes feel uncomfortable. But if you have been hanging out with her for quite a bit you should put your arm around her. Ask her if she wants something don't just assume she wants or doesn't want something. But don't ask her to much. Also before the movie you should complement her to make her feel more comfortable around you knowing that you like her shirt or her shoes instead of feeling you them. Always start conversations. If its silent for too long things can start to feel weird. Always see a movie she wants to see. Not just
one you want to see. If you are picking her up try not to be even a minute late but don't get there early.
So anyways, I've never been on a movie date before. I just need advice on everything. For example, do I leave my hand on the armrest so that she can hold it if she wants or something? If we hold hands is my hand supposed to me in front or in back of her hand? Do we interlock fingers? PLEASE just give me ALL the tips you can, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks so much everyone!EVERYONE: This Is My FIRST MOVIE DATE And I Need Advice On What To Do! Thank You So Much Everyone!
The trick to making it seem like a date is buying her ticket. It's the universal sign for ';I like you'; as far as movie dates are concerned. If she wants to hold your hand, you'll know, because she'll put it someplace easy for you to just pick up- like the armrest. Make the move to hold hers, don't wait for her to hold yours. Just be natural, casual, and comfortable. She's probably just as nervous. Tip though, interlocked fingers start to hurt if you keep them like that the entire movies.EVERYONE: This Is My FIRST MOVIE DATE And I Need Advice On What To Do! Thank You So Much Everyone!
You should definitely put some nonchalant moves on her, but nothing drastic, if you hold hands don't interlock fingers. And with your hand in the front or back, just do what feels comfortable to you, or as you approach her hand, see how it is positioned and do the opposite. Leave you arm on the armrest so she contributes to the relationship too! No hand around her shoulder yet, wait for a few more dates before that.
Don't interrupt her a lot during the movie. If you need to, pretend you are tired and stretch and put your arm around her. It always works! Make sure you get a lot of candy and popcorn! If you really like her, go to the back row (not the very last) but go somewhere in the back and make out if you are watching a romance movie. If it's a horror movie sit in the front.
be casual
talk to her exchange questions and get to know each other
buy her ticket, ask her if she wants a snack
pick the seats and dont stand on the stairs trying to pick out one just go for it
dont worry about the armrest but leave a little room for hers if she want to put her arm there
she might want to get closer to you like rest her head on your shoulder
so be prepared and smell good
you should do fine its just a movie
and make it fun
When the theater gets dark, if her hand is on the arm rest pretend you don't know and put yours over hers and giggle a little. and if you have pop corn while she is reaching in you go to and search for her hand. and then hold it then she will know you like her.
does that help?
lol if your a mess like this it wont help matters during the movie if you know she likes you be sweet and calm down yes put your arm on the armrest and interlock fingers im a bit prude so i deff wouldnt finger wtf!!!
Put 'the move' on her and do the old Yawn-and-drop-my-arm-around-you trick. Girls like it hehe.
If you have not been hanging out with her for very long, if you put your arm around her shoulder she can sometimes feel uncomfortable. But if you have been hanging out with her for quite a bit you should put your arm around her. Ask her if she wants something don't just assume she wants or doesn't want something. But don't ask her to much. Also before the movie you should complement her to make her feel more comfortable around you knowing that you like her shirt or her shoes instead of feeling you them. Always start conversations. If its silent for too long things can start to feel weird. Always see a movie she wants to see. Not just
one you want to see. If you are picking her up try not to be even a minute late but don't get there early.
First date advice!! best answer 10 points?
I am going on a date this wednesday i have never gone on a date before
i have got what i am going to wear sussed out.
but i am not very good on small talk can you please give me some steps how to be a perfect date.
(east 10 points)First date advice!! best answer 10 points?
1. BE CONFIDENT! ((Confidence, to me, is the most attractive trait a person can have. Just make yourself have the mindset that you're a great date, that you're a hot guy/girl, that you have a great personality, and that you're accepted already. generally, when people feel accepted, they're more likely to lay back and let loose and be themselves. JUST DO IT!))
#2. FLIRT! ((Everybody loves to laugh, so throw in jokes, play around with him/her a little bit.))
#3. BE SWEET! ((Ask him/her how they're doing, ask if there's anything exciting going on in their life, ask simply ';so what do you like to do?'; or ';so what are you good at?'; just ask questions that show that you genuinely want to get know them more, but dont be sleazy and creepy and drill her for his/her address and stuff like that lol. People love to talk about themselves, though, so just ask questions and then branch off of whtever they says with your own personal experiences.
#4. HAVE FUN! ((Don't stress over it, they'll probably sense the awkwardness if you do. Just relax and be yourself and be honest!!!))
good luck :)First date advice!! best answer 10 points?
First, calm down. No one is the perfect date. Don't set the bar too high.
Second, ask what you're going to so you'll know what to wear.
Third, I know it sounds stupid, but be yourself. Don't try to pretend you like things you do not. Think about things you like to do, and be ready to talk about them. If you go to the same school, ask if he's ever had ';Mr. Jones'; for math. Ask what classes he's going to take next year. Ask him what he's doing over the summer (baseball, going to the pool, etc.).
Just relax and have a good time.
Good luck!
ask him questions that use more than a yes or no answer
say ';mmm-hmm'; and ';yeah'; when he's talking to you it will make him more interested
talk about your interests
leave him wanting more like at the end of the date if he goes in for a kiss whisper in his ear you had a nice time instead
Where are you going? You need to give more details.
To be a perfect date. Are you a man?!?! If so, open the door for her. If you're going to dinner/lunch, find out what food she likes and take her to a new place. Wear whatever makes you feel confident.
Well you could ask them things about themselves.
Examples Include:
what they like to do.
what kind of music they like to listen to.
what kind of tv shows they like.
just like wat u would talk to a friend hey how was ur day (dont talk to much or he will get bored) dnt kiss on the first date and just be urself btw i have been on dates all the time trust me!!!!!!
relax and be yourself, find something in common to talk about - even if this is music or film, that way you can find some common ground and the conversation will flow naturally
- job
- hobbies
- family (they might not have one)
- movies
- music
- TV
- dreams
Just be yourself, don't try to act special or anything, that never works.
just be yourself! your date will like you for who you are. (:
act the way you would with a yourself..make sure you flirt..but not aggressively..and have fun:)
i have got what i am going to wear sussed out.
but i am not very good on small talk can you please give me some steps how to be a perfect date.
(east 10 points)First date advice!! best answer 10 points?
1. BE CONFIDENT! ((Confidence, to me, is the most attractive trait a person can have. Just make yourself have the mindset that you're a great date, that you're a hot guy/girl, that you have a great personality, and that you're accepted already. generally, when people feel accepted, they're more likely to lay back and let loose and be themselves. JUST DO IT!))
#2. FLIRT! ((Everybody loves to laugh, so throw in jokes, play around with him/her a little bit.))
#3. BE SWEET! ((Ask him/her how they're doing, ask if there's anything exciting going on in their life, ask simply ';so what do you like to do?'; or ';so what are you good at?'; just ask questions that show that you genuinely want to get know them more, but dont be sleazy and creepy and drill her for his/her address and stuff like that lol. People love to talk about themselves, though, so just ask questions and then branch off of whtever they says with your own personal experiences.
#4. HAVE FUN! ((Don't stress over it, they'll probably sense the awkwardness if you do. Just relax and be yourself and be honest!!!))
good luck :)First date advice!! best answer 10 points?
First, calm down. No one is the perfect date. Don't set the bar too high.
Second, ask what you're going to so you'll know what to wear.
Third, I know it sounds stupid, but be yourself. Don't try to pretend you like things you do not. Think about things you like to do, and be ready to talk about them. If you go to the same school, ask if he's ever had ';Mr. Jones'; for math. Ask what classes he's going to take next year. Ask him what he's doing over the summer (baseball, going to the pool, etc.).
Just relax and have a good time.
Good luck!
ask him questions that use more than a yes or no answer
say ';mmm-hmm'; and ';yeah'; when he's talking to you it will make him more interested
talk about your interests
leave him wanting more like at the end of the date if he goes in for a kiss whisper in his ear you had a nice time instead
Where are you going? You need to give more details.
To be a perfect date. Are you a man?!?! If so, open the door for her. If you're going to dinner/lunch, find out what food she likes and take her to a new place. Wear whatever makes you feel confident.
Well you could ask them things about themselves.
Examples Include:
what they like to do.
what kind of music they like to listen to.
what kind of tv shows they like.
just like wat u would talk to a friend hey how was ur day (dont talk to much or he will get bored) dnt kiss on the first date and just be urself btw i have been on dates all the time trust me!!!!!!
relax and be yourself, find something in common to talk about - even if this is music or film, that way you can find some common ground and the conversation will flow naturally
- job
- hobbies
- family (they might not have one)
- movies
- music
- TV
- dreams
Just be yourself, don't try to act special or anything, that never works.
just be yourself! your date will like you for who you are. (:
act the way you would with a yourself..make sure you flirt..but not aggressively..and have fun:)
First date advice help?
i'm going on a date tomorrow, we're only going around the town for the day but it's our first date. i've haven't had my first kiss before and he has. what should i wear and how should i act?First date advice help?
dont change for him, be yourself.
just try to be confident, funny,
and listen to him when he talks.
%26amp;if its your first date,
dont eat his face off.
thats so lame.First date advice help?
I went through this not too long ago (Father's day weekend) and i actually just wore some shorts and a top and so did the guy. of course we just went to dinner with my brother and friend (we made it a group date since it was our first date)
Wear jeans and a shirt and you'll be fine. If you're just going around town during the day, it's not fancy. Don't overdo it. Just wear casual clothes and be yourself.
Good luck!
Wear something attractive but not something to draw too much attention. Act yourself but be inquisitive towards his likes and dislikes, hobbies, etc. Kissing, if done on the first date, should be casual and light...nothing heavy.
The best way to act is yourself cause thats why he's going out with you, cause you are yourself
Wear casual clothes if your just hanging about town. Don't change yourself for a guy and you'll do fine =]
just be yourself and be calm the cooler u try and act the more silly things you do and say you shuldnt have to act 4 sum1 to like u =)
Haven't you heard, you don't kiss on the first date. You want to look cheap and easy.
If you can manage this it would be great.
Wear an A line skirt and nothing underneath.....
As soon as he notices, you will have your first kiss and so much more...
I promise.
Just be yourself.
No one will like you if you try to be something you aren't
were something cute not sexy...act lovely but not slutty...and the most important thing is........kiss him!!
wear what the guy like and prepare urself as his likables....juz b smiley alwyz...grab his hands to tell that u love him somuch..and the victory is yours....thatzzz ur first kiss.....all the best..
dont change for him, be yourself.
just try to be confident, funny,
and listen to him when he talks.
%26amp;if its your first date,
dont eat his face off.
thats so lame.First date advice help?
I went through this not too long ago (Father's day weekend) and i actually just wore some shorts and a top and so did the guy. of course we just went to dinner with my brother and friend (we made it a group date since it was our first date)
Wear jeans and a shirt and you'll be fine. If you're just going around town during the day, it's not fancy. Don't overdo it. Just wear casual clothes and be yourself.
Good luck!
Wear something attractive but not something to draw too much attention. Act yourself but be inquisitive towards his likes and dislikes, hobbies, etc. Kissing, if done on the first date, should be casual and light...nothing heavy.
The best way to act is yourself cause thats why he's going out with you, cause you are yourself
Wear casual clothes if your just hanging about town. Don't change yourself for a guy and you'll do fine =]
just be yourself and be calm the cooler u try and act the more silly things you do and say you shuldnt have to act 4 sum1 to like u =)
Haven't you heard, you don't kiss on the first date. You want to look cheap and easy.
If you can manage this it would be great.
Wear an A line skirt and nothing underneath.....
As soon as he notices, you will have your first kiss and so much more...
I promise.
Just be yourself.
No one will like you if you try to be something you aren't
were something cute not sexy...act lovely but not slutty...and the most important thing is........kiss him!!
wear what the guy like and prepare urself as his likables....juz b smiley alwyz...grab his hands to tell that u love him somuch..and the victory is yours....thatzzz ur first kiss.....all the best..
First Date advice in NYC?
I have a first date with a girl on Friday, I will be in NYC and need some advice on where to take her for a fun time. We are both young, 25, and I don't want to do just a stereotypical dinner date. Any advice on a fun to go (but also something not incredibly expensive)?First Date advice in NYC?
Go see Spring Awakening! It's a play, but about young people. A great place to have dinner: Mars 2112. It is set up as if you're on Mars! Awesome! There are a whole bunch of things to do in the city. Go visit the East Villiage. Plenty of shops and things to see. There is kareoke on St. Marks also. I love going out! LOL, Good Luck!
Go see Spring Awakening! It's a play, but about young people. A great place to have dinner: Mars 2112. It is set up as if you're on Mars! Awesome! There are a whole bunch of things to do in the city. Go visit the East Villiage. Plenty of shops and things to see. There is kareoke on St. Marks also. I love going out! LOL, Good Luck!
First Date advice? Movie at my house?
Tues. Im gonna ask a girl out. I don't want to be cheap, but I'm broke. Is watching a movie at my house too cheap?First Date advice? Movie at my house?
No, its completely fine. But don't say ';we should go on a date'; then tell her that you planned on watching a movie at your house. THAT will seem cheap. But if you just ask her ';hey wanna come to my house and we can watch a movie?'; she won't think anything bad of it. Have fun!First Date advice? Movie at my house?
yeah i guess thats fine but maybe if shes never been to your house, you should do something else. just dont make her feel weird because shes at YOUR house. she might think that it can lead to things and she might not like that idea.
dnt worry about being cheap, it makes it look like ur tryin 2 get sum in the worst way by having her come 2 ur house on the FIRST date.
No, its completely fine. But don't say ';we should go on a date'; then tell her that you planned on watching a movie at your house. THAT will seem cheap. But if you just ask her ';hey wanna come to my house and we can watch a movie?'; she won't think anything bad of it. Have fun!First Date advice? Movie at my house?
yeah i guess thats fine but maybe if shes never been to your house, you should do something else. just dont make her feel weird because shes at YOUR house. she might think that it can lead to things and she might not like that idea.
dnt worry about being cheap, it makes it look like ur tryin 2 get sum in the worst way by having her come 2 ur house on the FIRST date.
2nd date advice Me, girl thats out of my league!!!!!! very beautful girl!!!?
There is no such thing as out of my league.Be yourself.
First date advice PLEASE HELP?
NEED HELPFirst date advice PLEASE HELP?
just b urself and thanks for answering my question about animals u rock lol!!!!!
just b urself and thanks for answering my question about animals u rock lol!!!!!
LUNCH DATE ADVICE? PLEASE READ<<<<<<<<<< GIRLS & GUYS. help me please.........thanks
ok so in a couple of days im going to lunch with this girl i like. she's bringing a friend and im bring one of mine. now, we dont really know each other well at all.
should i ask questions or anything when talking to her/ them? whats a good way to approach things since her friend will be there too? what kind of questions should i ask? should i direct them towards both of them?
any other advice? i dont really know what to talk and im worried....
girls n guys both help me out please.
im 17 btw.LUNCH DATE ADVICE? PLEASE READ%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt; GIRLS %26amp; GUYS. help me please.........thanks
Are you all in the same school? If so, there's always gossip. Not necessarily the mean type, just ';My Biology teacher is insane (insert reason here)'; and they can just respond to that. You can direct them to her if it's appropriate, but otherwise leave the questions open-ended.
No one likes feeling left out, you know.
should i ask questions or anything when talking to her/ them? whats a good way to approach things since her friend will be there too? what kind of questions should i ask? should i direct them towards both of them?
any other advice? i dont really know what to talk and im worried....
girls n guys both help me out please.
im 17 btw.LUNCH DATE ADVICE? PLEASE READ%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt; GIRLS %26amp; GUYS. help me please.........thanks
Are you all in the same school? If so, there's always gossip. Not necessarily the mean type, just ';My Biology teacher is insane (insert reason here)'; and they can just respond to that. You can direct them to her if it's appropriate, but otherwise leave the questions open-ended.
No one likes feeling left out, you know.
Can someone give me some dating advice?
So, I really like this guy.
And we're planning to meet up.
But whenever I meet up with a guy, I get really nervous.
I have no idea why, I just HATE meeting up.
I also, never like eating in front of guys.
Is this normal?
I have had a lot of experience with dating, but nothing changes this.
Also, What are some good ways to make conversation on a date?
Thank you!Can someone give me some dating advice?
i really recomend talking to him alot online messenger, and talking to him on the phone, that way u will really get to know him and u will be less nervous around him and know how he reacts to certain things u might be embarrased of. I understand the first time will still be nervous but talking to him on phone and msn alot before u meet will help. And when u meet him talk about fun things u like to do, and things to do for fun at home. And if u dont like eating infront of guys it is normal, the more u do stuff infront of them they will get use to you and u will get use to it too. and i am talking on personal experience from a guys point of view. good luck with ur relationship!Can someone give me some dating advice?
I think it's normal for girls not being comfortable eating infront of guys.
I've been on several dates where the girls only get a drink or some small vegies. There is no reason for you to be uncomfortable doing that. I like it when a girl will eat infront of me as it don't make me the only one eating.
And also the guy you're meeting might be nervous as well. Just tell him you're nervous and he'll make you comfortable.
And a good conversation would be about just some of your background getting to know the guy further. And one topic will just lead to another.
So have a good time when you hang out with him.
its normal im the same way i cover my mouth when i eat in front of a guy i like ...being shy with a guy , some guys find cute an attractive talk about family friends favorite foods, colors, bands, songs, embarissing stories they're willing to share, and just be yourself your going on this date cause he likes you so just try to have fun an know anythig you do that seems like emberassing he'll talk about it later down the road and he'll remnd you thats the reason why he thought you were cute to him
Guys really don't about eating except when you burp. You always can talk about the dead celeb's.
is this Erin Larson by chance?
if it is call me! :) -Margeauxisotretinoin
And we're planning to meet up.
But whenever I meet up with a guy, I get really nervous.
I have no idea why, I just HATE meeting up.
I also, never like eating in front of guys.
Is this normal?
I have had a lot of experience with dating, but nothing changes this.
Also, What are some good ways to make conversation on a date?
Thank you!Can someone give me some dating advice?
i really recomend talking to him alot online messenger, and talking to him on the phone, that way u will really get to know him and u will be less nervous around him and know how he reacts to certain things u might be embarrased of. I understand the first time will still be nervous but talking to him on phone and msn alot before u meet will help. And when u meet him talk about fun things u like to do, and things to do for fun at home. And if u dont like eating infront of guys it is normal, the more u do stuff infront of them they will get use to you and u will get use to it too. and i am talking on personal experience from a guys point of view. good luck with ur relationship!Can someone give me some dating advice?
I think it's normal for girls not being comfortable eating infront of guys.
I've been on several dates where the girls only get a drink or some small vegies. There is no reason for you to be uncomfortable doing that. I like it when a girl will eat infront of me as it don't make me the only one eating.
And also the guy you're meeting might be nervous as well. Just tell him you're nervous and he'll make you comfortable.
And a good conversation would be about just some of your background getting to know the guy further. And one topic will just lead to another.
So have a good time when you hang out with him.
its normal im the same way i cover my mouth when i eat in front of a guy i like ...being shy with a guy , some guys find cute an attractive talk about family friends favorite foods, colors, bands, songs, embarissing stories they're willing to share, and just be yourself your going on this date cause he likes you so just try to have fun an know anythig you do that seems like emberassing he'll talk about it later down the road and he'll remnd you thats the reason why he thought you were cute to him
Guys really don't about eating except when you burp. You always can talk about the dead celeb's.
is this Erin Larson by chance?
if it is call me! :) -Margeaux
Going on a first date tomorrow, advice NOW!!!?
I am going on a firsrt date tomorrow, and I need help! What should I wear? How should I ask? ANY ADVICE PLEASE???Going on a first date tomorrow, advice NOW!!!?
i just wore my favorite outfit on my first date. i was SO nervous but actually.. it was just easy. its fun! its just like hanging out with a good friend at first, dont be nervous. just enjoy it!Going on a first date tomorrow, advice NOW!!!?
um i don't no how long you've known this guy.. or what but here are sum tips:
- if you are going to a nice resteraunt wear something like a dress
- if it's a casual resteraunt wear jeans and a nice shirt.
- school
-the food
-your background ( liek where your from)
-favorite things
- and just let the conversation carry on by itself.
be yourself, wear only what your comfortable in...just remember...the more you stress over it and the more you try and be perfect...the worse your gunna look...if you just relax, and do what your comfortable with...he's gunna see you as a confident girl who is jus be urself
wear something casual:
jeans with a cute shirt and sneakers or flats.
don't over due it.
talk about:
how's his day so far;
where is he from;
if he has a car ask him a few things about it;
whens his bday;
if hes the oldest youngest
and fav things to do?
Just relax and be yourself :D. Wear your favorite clothes or just something that makes you feel pretty. You can ask things like what kind of music he likes, what hobbies he does, etc. Don't worry, you'll be fine :)
Where what you wear to school. It's something you'll be the most comfortable in. As long as your comfortable you'll have fun.
Yup well said just relax and wear whats comfortable. Try to throw out a conversation piece to get rid of any awkward silences -_-
Relax! Be yourself! Wear something that makes you feel pretty, it will help your confidence.
I would ask where we will be going so that I can dress accordingly.
put on some makeup and put on some nice clothes. do not wear clothes that too revealing!
wear something that your comphy in but still looks friggin A on you.
i just wore my favorite outfit on my first date. i was SO nervous but actually.. it was just easy. its fun! its just like hanging out with a good friend at first, dont be nervous. just enjoy it!Going on a first date tomorrow, advice NOW!!!?
um i don't no how long you've known this guy.. or what but here are sum tips:
- if you are going to a nice resteraunt wear something like a dress
- if it's a casual resteraunt wear jeans and a nice shirt.
- school
-the food
-your background ( liek where your from)
-favorite things
- and just let the conversation carry on by itself.
be yourself, wear only what your comfortable in...just remember...the more you stress over it and the more you try and be perfect...the worse your gunna look...if you just relax, and do what your comfortable with...he's gunna see you as a confident girl who is jus be urself
wear something casual:
jeans with a cute shirt and sneakers or flats.
don't over due it.
talk about:
how's his day so far;
where is he from;
if he has a car ask him a few things about it;
whens his bday;
if hes the oldest youngest
and fav things to do?
Just relax and be yourself :D. Wear your favorite clothes or just something that makes you feel pretty. You can ask things like what kind of music he likes, what hobbies he does, etc. Don't worry, you'll be fine :)
Where what you wear to school. It's something you'll be the most comfortable in. As long as your comfortable you'll have fun.
Yup well said just relax and wear whats comfortable. Try to throw out a conversation piece to get rid of any awkward silences -_-
Relax! Be yourself! Wear something that makes you feel pretty, it will help your confidence.
I would ask where we will be going so that I can dress accordingly.
put on some makeup and put on some nice clothes. do not wear clothes that too revealing!
wear something that your comphy in but still looks friggin A on you.
Late prom date advice<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<ladies plz help<<<<<<<<<<<<<
well its getting close to prom, 17 days, and ive been trying to have her friend talk to her and see if she still wants to go alone. because she broke up with her bf about 2 1/2 weeks ago. her friend encouraged me to ask her and said she would talk to her but i havent gotten a reply from her in 2 days.
so im sick of waiting because it is getting so late. what would be a great way for me to ask her out? i can ask her after school but what would be a good way of going about it?
i dont want to pressure her really and i want her to be comfartable.
we used to be decent friends last year and she flirted with me a lot. i just didnt recognise it. im just a little shy and i know shes NOT going with anyone so what should i say?
any help appreciatedLate prom date advice%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;ladies plz help%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;
You sound like a great guy. Girls like guys who are friends, then they can relax and trust you. When guys come on
too strong, girls usually clench up or are turned off.
Just be yourself. Sounds like you have a great personality. First you smile! Smile and LOOK her in the eye. You have to make eye contact.
Be genuine. If you mess up or say the wrong thing, just laugh it off; make a joke so you'll both relax. It shows you're human.
Girls love guys who make them laugh, so you could say something amusing, comment on something that happened at school. Ask her a question and LISTEN to her answer.
THEN compliment her on something, maybe something small no one else would notice, or ask about a book she's reading or holding. Keep it light.
It's nice to call her by name once or twice in the conversation.
If she starts talking a lot, listen, smile, look her in the eye, and DO NOT look at any other girls while talking to her. That's really disrespectful. :)
Maybe you could kid around, once you're talking to her, ';You know there's this prom thing coming up...'; Then jokingly say
';Would you do me the honor of being my date?';
Or something like that.
Good luck, have fun, stay sweet!Late prom date advice%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;ladies plz help%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;
be real sweet first of all. look at her not her body. Just let her know its friendly and because you were friends that won't be hard. Just say since you both don't have a date ya'll can go together.
BEst AnsweR Ey?????
Well it depends how flirty you are you could get her a flower and ask her. or you could just ask her. dont get a friend to ask her idk its just a let down that you dont have the balls to do it(i know you know this) and your scared? yes most likely not of her but the rejection. just dont be afraid and go for it i would defiantly do the flower thing though
';hey, would you like to go to prom with me';
it'd be best if you also don't say this:
It's getting late so....
or.. i couldn't find anyone else so...
it'll make her seem like a last resort and she wont want to go with you at all.
Just ask her to go to the prom with you all she can say is no right so go and ask her in a polite manner and if she wants to think about it ask her to let you know in a day or two
Ask her out but don't be too formal about it...tell her you'll show her a good time and try to make her laugh because she's probably feeling down at this point....but you have to be sensitive to the fact that she recently broke up w/ her bf so she may still have hope for them two....
Go up to her and be like:
';There's a party in my pants, your invited...o **** sorry wrong question. Do you want to go to prom with me?
The most straight up question will get the most straight up answer.
so im sick of waiting because it is getting so late. what would be a great way for me to ask her out? i can ask her after school but what would be a good way of going about it?
i dont want to pressure her really and i want her to be comfartable.
we used to be decent friends last year and she flirted with me a lot. i just didnt recognise it. im just a little shy and i know shes NOT going with anyone so what should i say?
any help appreciatedLate prom date advice%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;ladies plz help%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;
You sound like a great guy. Girls like guys who are friends, then they can relax and trust you. When guys come on
too strong, girls usually clench up or are turned off.
Just be yourself. Sounds like you have a great personality. First you smile! Smile and LOOK her in the eye. You have to make eye contact.
Be genuine. If you mess up or say the wrong thing, just laugh it off; make a joke so you'll both relax. It shows you're human.
Girls love guys who make them laugh, so you could say something amusing, comment on something that happened at school. Ask her a question and LISTEN to her answer.
THEN compliment her on something, maybe something small no one else would notice, or ask about a book she's reading or holding. Keep it light.
It's nice to call her by name once or twice in the conversation.
If she starts talking a lot, listen, smile, look her in the eye, and DO NOT look at any other girls while talking to her. That's really disrespectful. :)
Maybe you could kid around, once you're talking to her, ';You know there's this prom thing coming up...'; Then jokingly say
';Would you do me the honor of being my date?';
Or something like that.
Good luck, have fun, stay sweet!Late prom date advice%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;ladies plz help%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;
be real sweet first of all. look at her not her body. Just let her know its friendly and because you were friends that won't be hard. Just say since you both don't have a date ya'll can go together.
BEst AnsweR Ey?????
Well it depends how flirty you are you could get her a flower and ask her. or you could just ask her. dont get a friend to ask her idk its just a let down that you dont have the balls to do it(i know you know this) and your scared? yes most likely not of her but the rejection. just dont be afraid and go for it i would defiantly do the flower thing though
';hey, would you like to go to prom with me';
it'd be best if you also don't say this:
It's getting late so....
or.. i couldn't find anyone else so...
it'll make her seem like a last resort and she wont want to go with you at all.
Just ask her to go to the prom with you all she can say is no right so go and ask her in a polite manner and if she wants to think about it ask her to let you know in a day or two
Ask her out but don't be too formal about it...tell her you'll show her a good time and try to make her laugh because she's probably feeling down at this point....but you have to be sensitive to the fact that she recently broke up w/ her bf so she may still have hope for them two....
Go up to her and be like:
';There's a party in my pants, your invited...o **** sorry wrong question. Do you want to go to prom with me?
The most straight up question will get the most straight up answer.
First double-date advice?
I'm going on my first date tomorrow which also happens to be a double date. I am a little nervous though; i've never met the girl before (she's my friend's girlfriend's friend). I'm kinda shy and apparantly she is too so how can i make the date a successful one? What should I do to make it less awkward and what should I talk to her about? Any advice is appreciated.First double-date advice?
Homie, let me tell you from experience bc im shy also. Ask her questions. Girls love to talk about themselves, even the shy ones. Plus, when you ask questions, SHE has to talk and you just sit back and listen. This way there is no akwardness. Ask open ended questions, not yes or no. Smile when you meet her and just be cool. Compliment her on w/e you like, just not ';i like your boobs'; or something dumb like that. Have fun and dont get nerveous at all bc she is just like youFirst double-date advice?
its a double date the point is that you go with another couple so its not akward. Dont worry, youll all have fun together
Homie, let me tell you from experience bc im shy also. Ask her questions. Girls love to talk about themselves, even the shy ones. Plus, when you ask questions, SHE has to talk and you just sit back and listen. This way there is no akwardness. Ask open ended questions, not yes or no. Smile when you meet her and just be cool. Compliment her on w/e you like, just not ';i like your boobs'; or something dumb like that. Have fun and dont get nerveous at all bc she is just like youFirst double-date advice?
its a double date the point is that you go with another couple so its not akward. Dont worry, youll all have fun together
Some good old fashioned first date advice...?
So I am 22 years old and have never been on a date. But let me clarify so I don't sound like a complete loser. I have had two serious girlfriends, a couple less serious and a couple encounters that didn't out live the next morning. But, oddly enough I have never been on an actual date. All of my relationships tend to develop in very strange ways...
So I need a little advice. I hit it off with this girl at a bar. Went to a party with her and all is well. Now we are going to ';hang out sometime during the week';. And I need some suggestions on something hlaf decent to do that doesn't seem really forced and datish. Any ideas?Some good old fashioned first date advice...?
go chillin at the park and her an ice cream and just chill and keep it realSome good old fashioned first date advice...?
I say try some flowers or candy theres nothing old or boring about that
Everybody feels nervous and puzzled on his/her date. Let鈥檚 face it. For many of us, the first date is a big challenge, as we don鈥檛 know enough about each other, or simply meeting in person for the first time. We aren鈥檛 sure what to say, how to act and the most important thing - how to impress.
There is nothing to worry about, as it is quite natural to feel that way. Even the experts have had felt that way.
Check out the source below for more tips.
Good luck on your date!!!!
Since you've already been to a bar and party with her, a good first date would be to watch a movie or something at your house. That way you could be a lot more relaxed and get to know her without all the distractions of a public place. Plus cuddling on the couch is way better than sitting across a restaurant table!
So I need a little advice. I hit it off with this girl at a bar. Went to a party with her and all is well. Now we are going to ';hang out sometime during the week';. And I need some suggestions on something hlaf decent to do that doesn't seem really forced and datish. Any ideas?Some good old fashioned first date advice...?
go chillin at the park and her an ice cream and just chill and keep it realSome good old fashioned first date advice...?
I say try some flowers or candy theres nothing old or boring about that
Everybody feels nervous and puzzled on his/her date. Let鈥檚 face it. For many of us, the first date is a big challenge, as we don鈥檛 know enough about each other, or simply meeting in person for the first time. We aren鈥檛 sure what to say, how to act and the most important thing - how to impress.
There is nothing to worry about, as it is quite natural to feel that way. Even the experts have had felt that way.
Check out the source below for more tips.
Good luck on your date!!!!
Since you've already been to a bar and party with her, a good first date would be to watch a movie or something at your house. That way you could be a lot more relaxed and get to know her without all the distractions of a public place. Plus cuddling on the couch is way better than sitting across a restaurant table!
First date advice.... i need guys opinion too?
ok im going to a movie with my bf and my friend and we are seeing drillbit taylor... we want to sit next to each other but i dont know what to do... do i hold his hand or anything like that?
i need to now because my dates tomorrow and it would help a bunch... thanx!First date advice.... i need guys opinion too?
wellllll its just common knowledge and old school for the boy to make the moves. first date, idk you might freak him out by holding hangs, but maybe not its cute. it might be too early in the relationship, however if you want to and he makes the move to go for it, little thigns like that are adorableFirst date advice.... i need guys opinion too?
I would let him make the first move. If you want to hold his hand then go for it. It won't hurt, I promise.
how old are you?
haha. just chill.
let him make the move.
i need to now because my dates tomorrow and it would help a bunch... thanx!First date advice.... i need guys opinion too?
wellllll its just common knowledge and old school for the boy to make the moves. first date, idk you might freak him out by holding hangs, but maybe not its cute. it might be too early in the relationship, however if you want to and he makes the move to go for it, little thigns like that are adorableFirst date advice.... i need guys opinion too?
I would let him make the first move. If you want to hold his hand then go for it. It won't hurt, I promise.
how old are you?
haha. just chill.
let him make the move.
1st date advice...what to do?!?
I asked this girl out and I don't know where to go and what to do she's sorta shy and idk what 2 do!!!1st date advice...what to do?!?
take her to dinner, afterward walk with her and get some ice cream, offer her ur arm, and have the confidence to go for a kiss at the end1st date advice...what to do?!?
Dude same situation. HOLY crap idk what to do but i settled with going to the movies with her. Something she likes but it actually sounds interesting. Im taking her home by wlaking whatever i can do. idk im a bit lost here too.
shy hey? take her to the movies. that way you wont have to talk much then take her out for a lunch/dinner and get to know her better.isotretinoin
take her to dinner, afterward walk with her and get some ice cream, offer her ur arm, and have the confidence to go for a kiss at the end1st date advice...what to do?!?
Dude same situation. HOLY crap idk what to do but i settled with going to the movies with her. Something she likes but it actually sounds interesting. Im taking her home by wlaking whatever i can do. idk im a bit lost here too.
shy hey? take her to the movies. that way you wont have to talk much then take her out for a lunch/dinner and get to know her better.
First date advice?
Ok so im a girl having my first date ever with a guy. its a group date and were all going to the movies. Any advice you can give to me?? I am soo nervous i mean what if he tries to kiss me or somthing i mean i dont really know how to kiss... help me give me tips or somthingFirst date advice?
Dont do anything you dont want to do, go with the flow and follow what your heart says to do.
Man, i'm sorry i sounded like a disney movie...First date advice?
from a guys perspective, he's just as nervous as you so just go with the flow don't over think it
hmm group date huh? well if u dont want it to b akwards with ur friends dont makeout the whole tym...tht wudnt b good. a few little kisses may b in ur near future n thts jus fine...c wat everyone else is doin.
dont let him wash his winky in your kitchen sinky?
Dont do anything you dont want to do, go with the flow and follow what your heart says to do.
Man, i'm sorry i sounded like a disney movie...First date advice?
from a guys perspective, he's just as nervous as you so just go with the flow don't over think it
hmm group date huh? well if u dont want it to b akwards with ur friends dont makeout the whole tym...tht wudnt b good. a few little kisses may b in ur near future n thts jus fine...c wat everyone else is doin.
dont let him wash his winky in your kitchen sinky?
First Date advice help?
I'm going to ask out this girl on a date and i'm not what to do for a first date.She's really a shy girl and loves soccer, thats really all i know but trust me she's hella cute. Any places or things to do or some advice would be helpful. ThxFirst Date advice help?
Hi, Dude....
Five tips on asking a girl out on the first date the right way鈥?/a>
Helpful Hints in Dating鈥?/a>
How to Keep a Conversation Going on a Date???鈥?/a>
Hope this helped....First Date advice help?
dinner than movies
how old are you?
Hi, Dude....
Five tips on asking a girl out on the first date the right way鈥?/a>
Helpful Hints in Dating鈥?/a>
How to Keep a Conversation Going on a Date???鈥?/a>
Hope this helped....First Date advice help?
dinner than movies
how old are you?
Dating advice - call after first date?
I went out on a date with a guy last night. Everything seemed to go really well, and at the beginning of the date he made arrangements with me for the next Friday and Saturday. At the end, I said I'd ring him today. Is it best to let him ring me even though I said I would ring him or should I give him a call?Dating advice - call after first date?
you said you'd call - so call!Dating advice - call after first date?
You should wait another day because if you call him the next day it sounds like your needy and you can him later in the week its like he was just a one date thing that you didn't have feelings for. It has to be in the middle because he will want you to call and see if you have feelings for him.
When you say you'll do something - do it.
You should probably learn to make the arrangement for HIM to call you the next time you go on a first date! If things dont work out with this guy of course! ;o)
Don't call him.
Never call someone after a first date, always let them ring you.
no he's definately waiting for your call. he's not going to call you because you said that you'd call him. so call him!!!! he likes you and he's gonna be crushed if you dont call! hurry up woman pick up that phone!!
this is the kind of stupid thinking that gets you no where. Personally if I was the guy and you didnt call i wouldnt waste my time on you.
If you said you would call, then I think you should call.
Give him a call. Or else what's the point in saying that you would call?
Best bet would be to call him yourself and ask him what his plans are so he doesn't think you forgot all about him!
please help me with my question i need help.
No he ain't going to call if you said you would call!!!
Call him... be yourslef don't play these stupid games that you think you should play!
well if u said ud call him and then u dont that mite seem rude to just call that way u start this out on a good foot by keeping ur word =)
you said you'd call - so call!Dating advice - call after first date?
You should wait another day because if you call him the next day it sounds like your needy and you can him later in the week its like he was just a one date thing that you didn't have feelings for. It has to be in the middle because he will want you to call and see if you have feelings for him.
When you say you'll do something - do it.
You should probably learn to make the arrangement for HIM to call you the next time you go on a first date! If things dont work out with this guy of course! ;o)
Don't call him.
Never call someone after a first date, always let them ring you.
no he's definately waiting for your call. he's not going to call you because you said that you'd call him. so call him!!!! he likes you and he's gonna be crushed if you dont call! hurry up woman pick up that phone!!
this is the kind of stupid thinking that gets you no where. Personally if I was the guy and you didnt call i wouldnt waste my time on you.
If you said you would call, then I think you should call.
Give him a call. Or else what's the point in saying that you would call?
Best bet would be to call him yourself and ask him what his plans are so he doesn't think you forgot all about him!
please help me with my question i need help.
No he ain't going to call if you said you would call!!!
Call him... be yourslef don't play these stupid games that you think you should play!
well if u said ud call him and then u dont that mite seem rude to just call that way u start this out on a good foot by keeping ur word =)
I need advice for a movie date?
I've known this girl since middle school, %26amp; im in my junior year of high school. She contacted me %26amp; we've been texting %26amp; having deep conversations. So we set up a date to a movie. So any advice? Since she contacted me out of no where, does it mean she's interested? Any tips for this date? Thanks a lotI need advice for a movie date?
DUH!! It Seems Like She's Interested In You Man....You Should Make Sure You Pay For Everything At The Movies To Show How Caring You Are~
DUH!! It Seems Like She's Interested In You Man....You Should Make Sure You Pay For Everything At The Movies To Show How Caring You Are~
Movie date advice please?
i have a movie date with this guy tomorrow and idk what to wear
a shirt with skinny jeans?
or a dressy shirt with leggings? D:
or some other outfits.. i dont have vests so i cant wear those and i dont really wanna wear skirts or shorts
and how should i style my hair?
straighten it or put it in a ponytail?
also, when i sit down, my leg fat kinda shows D: so idk what to do
help!Movie date advice please?
Is this your first date? Cause it seems like you are nervous..... CALM DOWN and relax. I would say a nice blouse and jeans would be good. You can do something with your hair or you can put it up in a pony tail... If you dont like having your hair down, then I would advise putting it up.
It all comes down to what you are comfortable with. Don't do anything that you don't feel is something that you would do. If he likes you, which he does since he asked you out, dont be worried about a little ';leg fat'; as movie theatres are dark and you will be concentrating on each other and the movie rather than legs. Have a GREAT night and I hope you have fun.Movie date advice please?
I would wear a cute shirt and skinny jeans but make sure you can sit for that long in them haha if not just wear regular jeans. You can be comfortable and look good at the same time.
For you hair wait until you have your outfit then pick which hair style you feel best in
Uh i would wear a shirt with jeans and a jacket
and keep your hair down.
and leg fat? that's odd. well it'll be dark so it's ok i guess. don't worry about that
have fun..(:
a shirt with skinny jeans, and straight hair
Take a look at this site to watch and download movies 4 free
Thanks 4 support
a shirt with skinny jeans?
or a dressy shirt with leggings? D:
or some other outfits.. i dont have vests so i cant wear those and i dont really wanna wear skirts or shorts
and how should i style my hair?
straighten it or put it in a ponytail?
also, when i sit down, my leg fat kinda shows D: so idk what to do
help!Movie date advice please?
Is this your first date? Cause it seems like you are nervous..... CALM DOWN and relax. I would say a nice blouse and jeans would be good. You can do something with your hair or you can put it up in a pony tail... If you dont like having your hair down, then I would advise putting it up.
It all comes down to what you are comfortable with. Don't do anything that you don't feel is something that you would do. If he likes you, which he does since he asked you out, dont be worried about a little ';leg fat'; as movie theatres are dark and you will be concentrating on each other and the movie rather than legs. Have a GREAT night and I hope you have fun.Movie date advice please?
I would wear a cute shirt and skinny jeans but make sure you can sit for that long in them haha if not just wear regular jeans. You can be comfortable and look good at the same time.
For you hair wait until you have your outfit then pick which hair style you feel best in
Uh i would wear a shirt with jeans and a jacket
and keep your hair down.
and leg fat? that's odd. well it'll be dark so it's ok i guess. don't worry about that
have fun..(:
a shirt with skinny jeans, and straight hair
Take a look at this site to watch and download movies 4 free
Thanks 4 support
First Date Advice!! Help? Thanks :)?
Going on my first date ever tomorrow..
what are some good things to talk about?
what would be a good outfit to wear?
im a girl btw hahFirst Date Advice!! Help? Thanks :)?
just wondering what actually is the date that would be helpful infoisotretinoin
what are some good things to talk about?
what would be a good outfit to wear?
im a girl btw hahFirst Date Advice!! Help? Thanks :)?
just wondering what actually is the date that would be helpful info
Homecoming Date Advice?
My guy friend from another school asked me to go to homecoming with him (as friends). Should I offer to pay for my dinner, or would he be offended?
Also, he goes to an all boys鈥?school, haha, so anything I should know about their dances?
Homecoming Date Advice?
bring condoms and lots of them.......
bring money just incase but he will most likey pay for you
Also, he goes to an all boys鈥?school, haha, so anything I should know about their dances?
Homecoming Date Advice?
bring condoms and lots of them.......
bring money just incase but he will most likey pay for you
A male friend of mine is going on his first date in 20 years (getting divorced) and needs advice?
He REALLY doesn't want my advice. What advice would you give him?
I'm asking for a friend. Though I already implied that. Thanks.A male friend of mine is going on his first date in 20 years (getting divorced) and needs advice?
PCB's rules of dating:
1) Treat her like a queen, open doors, pick up the tabs and pretend you are actually listening to her.
2) DO NOT do her on the first date, that way she will think you are sweet and respect her...that and she will assume you are std free.
3) On the 2nd date she will be falling for you, so when you get her back to her place she will pull out all of her sex moves she learned in China for you.
4) After she passes out steal her wallet and climb out the windowA male friend of mine is going on his first date in 20 years (getting divorced) and needs advice?
Tell your buddy that he should talk about his ex the entire date. The chicks love it when you talk about your ex.
Also... to ensure a second date... tell him when the bill comes for him to push it over to her and smoothly exclaim, ';I got next!';
Screw what they say about false pretences... he needs to put up all the false pretences he can to get the second date and close the deal.
He needs to approach it like it's a real estate deal and take the Glengarry Glen Ross-esque approach: ABC!
A Always
B Be
C Closing!
Always be closing!
Tell ';your friend'; to be cool and just be himself. Don't try too hard, girls can see through that right away. Don't be a show off either like spending big bucks on the date, just keep it casual......and easy on those huge burgers...might not make a good impression on the first date. And most importantly do not go on and on about the soon to be ex-wife and the divorce...we hate that.
Have fun on your date!! Ooops I mean, tell your friend to have fun on HIS date.
Don't offer to pay, that type of behavior went out about 10 years ago. Tell him that women now get offended by men paying for them. Also now sex is expected on a first date. If she didn't want to have sex with him she wouldn't have agreed to go out with him.
A date is nothing like a marriage.
For one, the conversation will actually go somewhere and the person you're with won't get a headache and sleep with their back to you all night.
tell him to just be himself. don't pretend to be someone or something he's not. and be polite and courteous.
It's all about the manscaping. Trim the bushes.
well, tell ';your friend'; that if he should just relax and keep his cool. Keep the conversation light on the first date. Avoid mentioning the past relationship too much
Congrats!! on the date, you may wanna wear a condom but polk a hole in the end if you want a babby
Pay for dinner
don't talk about ur ex
don't act like your rich if your a poor person
be confident
don't lie
don't tell stupid azz jokes
smell good
open doors etc
be charming and sweet no *********.
Not single..glad I'm taken.
I always rub one out first, nobody should be carrying around a loaded gun. Oh and dont forget to wash your balls
He needs to get back in the saddle again and to just be himself.
just relax and be yourself, and enjoy the date.
my advice - think of it as just a date, it's so hard to get out of the long term relationship mode..
Trim the nose hairs....
he should wear short-shorts and sing Jonas Brothers Songs.
no means no.
don't talk about your divorce/ex wife!
show it to her right off the bat...let her know what she's in for.
yeah sure a friend what ever
be himself and don't up any false pretences is all I can say
I'm asking for a friend. Though I already implied that. Thanks.A male friend of mine is going on his first date in 20 years (getting divorced) and needs advice?
PCB's rules of dating:
1) Treat her like a queen, open doors, pick up the tabs and pretend you are actually listening to her.
2) DO NOT do her on the first date, that way she will think you are sweet and respect her...that and she will assume you are std free.
3) On the 2nd date she will be falling for you, so when you get her back to her place she will pull out all of her sex moves she learned in China for you.
4) After she passes out steal her wallet and climb out the windowA male friend of mine is going on his first date in 20 years (getting divorced) and needs advice?
Tell your buddy that he should talk about his ex the entire date. The chicks love it when you talk about your ex.
Also... to ensure a second date... tell him when the bill comes for him to push it over to her and smoothly exclaim, ';I got next!';
Screw what they say about false pretences... he needs to put up all the false pretences he can to get the second date and close the deal.
He needs to approach it like it's a real estate deal and take the Glengarry Glen Ross-esque approach: ABC!
A Always
B Be
C Closing!
Always be closing!
Tell ';your friend'; to be cool and just be himself. Don't try too hard, girls can see through that right away. Don't be a show off either like spending big bucks on the date, just keep it casual......and easy on those huge burgers...might not make a good impression on the first date. And most importantly do not go on and on about the soon to be ex-wife and the divorce...we hate that.
Have fun on your date!! Ooops I mean, tell your friend to have fun on HIS date.
Don't offer to pay, that type of behavior went out about 10 years ago. Tell him that women now get offended by men paying for them. Also now sex is expected on a first date. If she didn't want to have sex with him she wouldn't have agreed to go out with him.
A date is nothing like a marriage.
For one, the conversation will actually go somewhere and the person you're with won't get a headache and sleep with their back to you all night.
tell him to just be himself. don't pretend to be someone or something he's not. and be polite and courteous.
It's all about the manscaping. Trim the bushes.
well, tell ';your friend'; that if he should just relax and keep his cool. Keep the conversation light on the first date. Avoid mentioning the past relationship too much
Congrats!! on the date, you may wanna wear a condom but polk a hole in the end if you want a babby
Pay for dinner
don't talk about ur ex
don't act like your rich if your a poor person
be confident
don't lie
don't tell stupid azz jokes
smell good
open doors etc
be charming and sweet no *********.
Not single..glad I'm taken.
I always rub one out first, nobody should be carrying around a loaded gun. Oh and dont forget to wash your balls
He needs to get back in the saddle again and to just be himself.
just relax and be yourself, and enjoy the date.
my advice - think of it as just a date, it's so hard to get out of the long term relationship mode..
Trim the nose hairs....
he should wear short-shorts and sing Jonas Brothers Songs.
no means no.
don't talk about your divorce/ex wife!
show it to her right off the bat...let her know what she's in for.
yeah sure a friend what ever
be himself and don't up any false pretences is all I can say
Ladies I need some date advice?
I'm going on a date with this girl because we like each other but aren't sure whether or not we want to go out. what kinds of things should I do as far as physical stuff? arm around the shoulder, hold hands, maybe kiss? I really have no idea since we're not actually dating. we're going to see a scary movie if that helps?Ladies I need some date advice?
hold doors open for her, be kind but not nerdy remember she can do things on her own, you can hold hands if hers is near yours, and if she burries he face in your arm or shoulder then yeah put your arm around her shoulder, at the end if she lingers in your car or at the door of her house then she wants a kiss but if not then don't pressure her into it. Most improtant stay cool, remember she's is just as nervous as you.
Good LuckLadies I need some date advice?
how about getting to know each other better, laugh with her and be like her best friend and be ur self, it will make u relax and her too, just be who u r when u r around with ur friends, that way she will see the real u.
You can do the arm thing and try to kiss her... other than that thats it.. and if she doesnt want to kiss leave it alone.
hold doors open for her, be kind but not nerdy remember she can do things on her own, you can hold hands if hers is near yours, and if she burries he face in your arm or shoulder then yeah put your arm around her shoulder, at the end if she lingers in your car or at the door of her house then she wants a kiss but if not then don't pressure her into it. Most improtant stay cool, remember she's is just as nervous as you.
Good LuckLadies I need some date advice?
how about getting to know each other better, laugh with her and be like her best friend and be ur self, it will make u relax and her too, just be who u r when u r around with ur friends, that way she will see the real u.
You can do the arm thing and try to kiss her... other than that thats it.. and if she doesnt want to kiss leave it alone.
Date advice please if you could?
hey i'm having my first date this coming saturaday i just want to know what impresses a girl on a date like places to go, things to do, and things to do for her i really appreciate any answerDate advice please if you could?
show up to her house dressed up as optimus prime and then have your friends dress up as decepticons. Then take her for a walk in the park or somewhere and have them attack u. Kick their butts and she will love u FOREVER :)Date advice please if you could?
Well it really depends how old you are, and how well you know said girl. But, regardless, be interested in her - ask her questions, engage in conversation, tell her about yourself. Small gestures also go a long way. If you didn't want it to be too intense, then you could go to a low key cafe or little restaurant. Movies are not the best idea, because you really can't converse - although you still are spending time together. If the weather is nice, you could go for a walk?
show up to her house dressed up as optimus prime and then have your friends dress up as decepticons. Then take her for a walk in the park or somewhere and have them attack u. Kick their butts and she will love u FOREVER :)Date advice please if you could?
Well it really depends how old you are, and how well you know said girl. But, regardless, be interested in her - ask her questions, engage in conversation, tell her about yourself. Small gestures also go a long way. If you didn't want it to be too intense, then you could go to a low key cafe or little restaurant. Movies are not the best idea, because you really can't converse - although you still are spending time together. If the weather is nice, you could go for a walk?
Is it weird to date a guy that is 14 yrs older? advice on dating an older man?
I'm 22 and he's 36 he has his career and I'll starting one once i graduate from college. What are some of advantage and disadvantage of dating a older guy?Is it weird to date a guy that is 14 yrs older? advice on dating an older man?
Ever since high school I've only dated older men. There are good points and bad. I like the fact that they are usually settled, mature, experienced, not into beating around the bush and willing to do anything to please you. They also tend to be more adventurous because you bring out the young side in them. They enjoy opening you up to new experiences and introducing you to different things that you would have never imaged at a young age. You can learn a lot from older men. The down points are that sometimes they tend to act as though they are your father. They feel that they know everything because you are younger and dumber. They will also take you for granted because they feel that you should be grateful that you are with them....but what man doesn't think that it weird to date a guy that is 14 yrs older? advice on dating an older man?
i'd say don't do it... unless u have no intention of marriage.
I know this guy who married a woman like 13 years younger than him. they had a child and then everything fell apart - they divorced.
Did you ever have this problem with your parents of a lack of common interests? Its a generation gap between the two of you. your going to have a bit of trouble staying together but thats only my opinion.
there have been success stories but if it was me, id say don't even go there!!
he is experienced, um, he'll be an old dad.
You go, girl!
Livin' the dream...ahhh...
anyways, hmm, can't admit I have similar experience (sadly), but at least you'll be out of school soon, right?! So you'll basically be on the same page..he'll just be a few years ahead. But he's not ready to retire, is he? So no worries love. :)
Ever since high school I've only dated older men. There are good points and bad. I like the fact that they are usually settled, mature, experienced, not into beating around the bush and willing to do anything to please you. They also tend to be more adventurous because you bring out the young side in them. They enjoy opening you up to new experiences and introducing you to different things that you would have never imaged at a young age. You can learn a lot from older men. The down points are that sometimes they tend to act as though they are your father. They feel that they know everything because you are younger and dumber. They will also take you for granted because they feel that you should be grateful that you are with them....but what man doesn't think that it weird to date a guy that is 14 yrs older? advice on dating an older man?
i'd say don't do it... unless u have no intention of marriage.
I know this guy who married a woman like 13 years younger than him. they had a child and then everything fell apart - they divorced.
Did you ever have this problem with your parents of a lack of common interests? Its a generation gap between the two of you. your going to have a bit of trouble staying together but thats only my opinion.
there have been success stories but if it was me, id say don't even go there!!
he is experienced, um, he'll be an old dad.
You go, girl!
Livin' the dream...ahhh...
anyways, hmm, can't admit I have similar experience (sadly), but at least you'll be out of school soon, right?! So you'll basically be on the same page..he'll just be a few years ahead. But he's not ready to retire, is he? So no worries love. :)
Help? I am gonna go on a date! Advice please!?
Ok. So my friend and I are double dating and she set me up with this date for tuesday. I am really nervous. My friend says he is prude which mean he doesnt care to take risks and likes to kiss and make out and do stuff. I am almost 12 and he is 12 almost 13. We are gonna go see the proposal. I need some help. What do i wear? What should I do? I need help. All the advice needed plzz. I really need help.Help? I am gonna go on a date! Advice please!?
TWELVE? You shouldn't be dating, that's disgusting.
You've just set yourself up to be a whore in high school.
It's not a date. Just go, and be yourself. How lame...isotretinoin
TWELVE? You shouldn't be dating, that's disgusting.
You've just set yourself up to be a whore in high school.
It's not a date. Just go, and be yourself. How lame...
Good first date advice (looking for girls advice)?
So i think i am going to ask this girl out this week who has been sending off some pretty noticeable signs. Im a senior in high school and she is a sophomore. This will be my first date since 10th grade and was wondering what would be some good places to take her. i was thinking a nice restaurant and then a drive in movie. Tell me what you thinkGood first date advice (looking for girls advice)?
That sounds pretty good. I'm sure she'd love that. Here are some other sources if you like for future reference.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
Good Luck on your dateGood first date advice (looking for girls advice)?
HI! well , my opinion is that maybe instead of a movie u try miniature golf. It gives u time to interact with her instead of a movie where u just sit there and don't talk to each other. If you do miniature golf u can make it competitive and u can ask her if she looses she gets to pay for the movies the next week . (or something like that). Good luck and have fun!
That sounds pretty good. I'm sure she'd love that. Here are some other sources if you like for future reference.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
Good Luck on your dateGood first date advice (looking for girls advice)?
HI! well , my opinion is that maybe instead of a movie u try miniature golf. It gives u time to interact with her instead of a movie where u just sit there and don't talk to each other. If you do miniature golf u can make it competitive and u can ask her if she looses she gets to pay for the movies the next week . (or something like that). Good luck and have fun!
First Date advice please?
Im 19 and I plan on asking a lady out who is around 27-29. I was wondering wether dinner on a first date would be to strong? Maybe just a drink or two?
Thanks in advance.First Date advice please?
Alright, first of all... I dont know where you live but where i live, the legal drinking age is 21.
As for the rest of your question, no. In my opinion, dinner on a first date is not too strong.
Just make sure it isnt a fancy schmancy dinner. Something cheap and quick.
Go get her Tiger... Asking out someone that much older than you at 19 takes some real balls.
Good Luck with asking and with your plans.First Date advice please?
My first date with my current bf was dinner...but we had played tennis before hand together. We didn't really know each other before that day, and dinner was spur of the moment.
Im 19 and I plan on asking a lady out who is around 27-29. I was wondering wether dinner on a first date would be to strong? Maybe just a drink or two?
Thanks in advance.First Date advice please?
Alright, first of all... I dont know where you live but where i live, the legal drinking age is 21.
As for the rest of your question, no. In my opinion, dinner on a first date is not too strong.
Just make sure it isnt a fancy schmancy dinner. Something cheap and quick.
Go get her Tiger... Asking out someone that much older than you at 19 takes some real balls.
Good Luck with asking and with your plans.First Date advice please?
My first date with my current bf was dinner...but we had played tennis before hand together. We didn't really know each other before that day, and dinner was spur of the moment.
What do you ladies think of David DeAngelo's dating advice?
Are they valid or not?What do you ladies think of David DeAngelo's dating advice?
Who the hell is David DeAngelo?!?
Personally, I like ChaCha's advice.
Who the hell is David DeAngelo?!?
Personally, I like ChaCha's advice.
Planning a first date. Advice?
I see this girl once a week at volunteering. I really like her but we barely know each other. I don't have her phone number or anything. The next time I see her should I ask her if she wants to go on a date or hangout sometime? Or should I ask for her phone number first? I have never gone on a date so im not really sure what to do.Planning a first date. Advice?
ask her to HANGOUT then ask for her number then ask her out on a date
ask her to HANGOUT then ask for her number then ask her out on a date
Some first date advice?
Know a girl for a year and weve been mates. Recently told each other we like each other. First date suggestions? Nothing cheesy or potentially awkwardSome first date advice?
be romantic, but not ridiculously so. brush up on your supply of jokes, but no rude jokes. you never know what might turn a girl off. i can give you some GREAT ones that worked for me...but never tell more than 2 jokes a minute. if after that, you see she likes your sense of her in suspense. speaking in low tones is very romantic. make sure she can just barely hear you. that will effectively make her draw closer to you...catch my drift? after a while, you'll find that it's now coming naturally to you. at the end of the date, say something like ';it's been lovely, but i gotta scream now!'; and laughing, say ';just kidding, i had a superb time';. this will prepare the way for setting up a second date. but i've given away too many of my secrets already...if you have more questions, i'm at all the best! be sure to tell me how it went!
be romantic, but not ridiculously so. brush up on your supply of jokes, but no rude jokes. you never know what might turn a girl off. i can give you some GREAT ones that worked for me...but never tell more than 2 jokes a minute. if after that, you see she likes your sense of her in suspense. speaking in low tones is very romantic. make sure she can just barely hear you. that will effectively make her draw closer to you...catch my drift? after a while, you'll find that it's now coming naturally to you. at the end of the date, say something like ';it's been lovely, but i gotta scream now!'; and laughing, say ';just kidding, i had a superb time';. this will prepare the way for setting up a second date. but i've given away too many of my secrets already...if you have more questions, i'm at all the best! be sure to tell me how it went!
Going on a blind date need advice/help/tips :P?
My buddy was talkin to his woman about going to some haunted house, she thought it'd be fun if she brought her friend and he brought me. now it should be pretty dope im just wondering what i can do to not look like a loser. like what do you talk about when you dont even know the person? i just dont wanna embarass myself in case i happen to like her :P well any advice will help thanks :PGoing on a blind date need advice/help/tips :P?
I would be cute to be overly scared and needy - if you play it up, she will think it is funny and cute and charmingGoing on a blind date need advice/help/tips :P?
just be yourself, talk to her like you've known her for a while , and ask questions, it always helps to ask questions when you don't know a person, so you can get to know them
Talk about the mighty morphing power rangers DINO THUNDER!1111isotretinoin
I would be cute to be overly scared and needy - if you play it up, she will think it is funny and cute and charmingGoing on a blind date need advice/help/tips :P?
just be yourself, talk to her like you've known her for a while , and ask questions, it always helps to ask questions when you don't know a person, so you can get to know them
Talk about the mighty morphing power rangers DINO THUNDER!1111
Girls, and guys I suppose, date advice? Please? =]?
so I am seriously the most socially awkward person in the world. And until recently, that has kept most guys away, so I've never really had to be alone, one on one, with a guy that I know is interested in me. But, this guy I really like asked me out, and I'm sooo stressed because, what do I talk about and what on earth do I do if I have one of my nervous giggling fits that I tend to get! Help please! =]Girls, and guys I suppose, date advice? Please? =]?
First of all, be honest with your date. Tell him you're a little nervous and he'll probably do what he can to ease your tensions. Second, keep conversation light: under no circumstances should you discuss anything morbid, or guys you used to date. Good conversation topics include school or work, movies or books, music and things of that nature. If you have a nervous giggling fit just try to breath normally and sip some water. And above all, just have fun! If you're enjoying yourself your nerves will go away on their own.Girls, and guys I suppose, date advice? Please? =]?
dont worrie theres someone out there for everyone guys will like u im sure of it just be yourself, you should also try to be funny and nice, guys like girls that are funny nice sweet loving careing and well being there for people. theres nothing wrong being awkward or different, trust me i know. i think its awesome being different because well thats what everyone likes, someone different. just what you should do is be yourself and a guy will like you the way you are and go out with you. just dont worrie ok, you'll get guys to like you someday. trust me ;) (hope this helps)
Ok, first off.. breathe. haha. Dating is supposed to be fun and enjoyable, so make it that way. Second, guys get just as nervous as girls sometimes, so it's ok to not be sure of things. It's all aout compatability at first. Find out what he's interested in. If you're interested in the same things then let him know. Just take it easy.
Well you have to remember that this guy asked you out for a reason. Also, when you're with him it could help if you ask about him and let him talk a little more than you that way you lessen your chance of having a giggle fit. But even if you do have one, what does it matter? Thats just who you are :]
Oh, the nervous giggles, worst enemy of mine too. If he's asking you out, he should like you, so be yourself. Don't push him though. If you really like this guy, he must be a big catch. ;P
First of all, be honest with your date. Tell him you're a little nervous and he'll probably do what he can to ease your tensions. Second, keep conversation light: under no circumstances should you discuss anything morbid, or guys you used to date. Good conversation topics include school or work, movies or books, music and things of that nature. If you have a nervous giggling fit just try to breath normally and sip some water. And above all, just have fun! If you're enjoying yourself your nerves will go away on their own.Girls, and guys I suppose, date advice? Please? =]?
dont worrie theres someone out there for everyone guys will like u im sure of it just be yourself, you should also try to be funny and nice, guys like girls that are funny nice sweet loving careing and well being there for people. theres nothing wrong being awkward or different, trust me i know. i think its awesome being different because well thats what everyone likes, someone different. just what you should do is be yourself and a guy will like you the way you are and go out with you. just dont worrie ok, you'll get guys to like you someday. trust me ;) (hope this helps)
Ok, first off.. breathe. haha. Dating is supposed to be fun and enjoyable, so make it that way. Second, guys get just as nervous as girls sometimes, so it's ok to not be sure of things. It's all aout compatability at first. Find out what he's interested in. If you're interested in the same things then let him know. Just take it easy.
Well you have to remember that this guy asked you out for a reason. Also, when you're with him it could help if you ask about him and let him talk a little more than you that way you lessen your chance of having a giggle fit. But even if you do have one, what does it matter? Thats just who you are :]
Oh, the nervous giggles, worst enemy of mine too. If he's asking you out, he should like you, so be yourself. Don't push him though. If you really like this guy, he must be a big catch. ;P
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